Sunday, April 29, 2012

Calling for Help


If you were to climb the highest mountain
and look at your world,
you would see
much more Light than Darkness,
much more love than hate,
much more kindness than violence.

It is only that these negative areas
are more vocal.

They are calling for help.
They are like small children, lost and fearful.
Knowing not what else to do,
they shout and scream and strike out.

Pray for them.
Pray for all of them.
and do not fear.

Emmanuel's Book
Compiled by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton

I would like to believe 'there is nothing to fear, but fear itself'. Yes, there is darkness in our world, but it is a teacher just like the light.  It can be an opportunity to learn for ourselves or to reach out to another. 

I must admit, I very rarely watch the news or read newspapers unless I am searching for something in particular.  I do not like the way I feel after I have been exposed to overwhelming negativity, rarely balanced by the positive.  All of the crime, violence, death and sad stories make me feel anxious, vulnerable, and disconnected from the source of love.  I don't like to feel this way.

At the risk of sounding like a Pollyanna, I much rather focus on all that is good.  I do not believe I hide my head in the sand as I am well aware of all sides of human nature, but I would rather place my attention on the goodness of my fellow human beings.

There are many authors who encourage readers to place their attention on what they want to 'grow' in their lives.  If our thoughts create our experiences or perceptions, it makes perfect sense to me that we are better off focusing on the light while being aware of the dark.

To be aware of the dark we are much more prepared to help, to bring our light out to shine.  Our light can be a beacon to someone who is stuck in the darkness. 

In many instances life is like the book and movie, Pay It Forward.  There are so many instrumental people who have helped us along our career path that we may never be able to go back and thank them.   There may have been unknown people during an emergency situation who assisted us or our family, but will always go unrecognized.  Of course there have been friends along the way who have helped us countless times.  So we can extend the same generosity to some one else or Pay It Forward!

There is extreme power in prayer, so we don't even have to leave our homes or spend money to reach out.  We don't even have to know the people personally.  We can pray for the children who go to sleep hungry at night.  There are families who have members being murdered in broad day light.  There are soldiers who are protecting our country.  There are those who are fighting an illness fearing death will leave family devastated.  The list is endless. 

Like attracts like, so be positive thinking and generate kindness.  Let fear fall away.  Just for today, see only goodness in the eyes of others and let them see the same in yours.   


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