Sunday, June 11, 2023

Kicking and Screaming ...


"Every human being has a true genuine authentic self.
Trauma is the disconnection from it and 
healing is the reconnection to it."
Gabor Mate

We may come into this world kicking and screaming, but our human nature is open, loving, and kind. With every new breath, we attempt to adjust and acclimate. Experiences continue to unfold, not  reflecting who we believe our lovely selves to be.

Bit by bit, we gently close our heart and adjust our own persona in hopes  of pleasing others. We try repeatedly to hold our heart open, only to be shut down once again. Eventually, our heart slams shut and we are only a small snip of who we were meant to be.

In increments, we begin to carefully unfold once again.  This time, we are reenforced by our own rules and expectations. As we gain momentum, our light begins to shine brighter and brighter, highlighting who we authentically decide to be!

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