Thursday, June 15, 2023

Repressed Passion

"Years of repression have built a dam around my tear ducts."
P. S. Scott 

The woman reflected a certain beauty, accompanied by intelligence; but sadly, there seemed to be an emotional restriction. I listened to her story watching her eyes which reflected great depth, but importance was hidden as tears silently dripped from her heart.

As conversation was sincerely shared, emotions were contained with great caution. It was obvious that she loved, yet she did not seem to be in love ... ever. I wondered if she could hear me silently screaming for her to break out and live.

When passionate emotions are repressed, we tend to close in on ourselves. This is the precise time, however, when we need to push forward. Never stop seeking what the heart yearns to hold. I felt her body stiffen, as I gently hugged her goodbye. 


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