Friday, June 9, 2023

Constantly Reaching

"my arms grew tired
from constantly reaching
so i wrapped them around myself
and allowed them
to rest."
L. E. Bowman 

As long as we seek answers exclusively from others, our questions will not be answered satisfactorily. When we turn outward, we begin to give our power away. The remedy to heal inner wounds is generated from within.

Often, we are too focused on just one part of ourselves, which is usually the least desirable. It is when we hold our essence in entirety that balance prevails. We are not just one thing, but rather many.

If we are aware of our thoughts, we will know exactly when to shift from criticism to approval. It is not to ignore our weakness, but to step back and view the bigger picture. Adjust where needed, highlighting the good which feeds body, mind, and soul.


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