Thursday, June 29, 2023

Decoding Language in Dreams


"The gateways to other worlds are already open to you, 
in the landscapes and images of your remembered dreams."
Robert Moss

When you wake up from an exceptionally vivid dream, it is beneficial to record as much as you can remember. The fact that it was so vibrant is an indicator that additional information can be retrieved. Dreams bring you messages from unlimited resources. Robert Moss, author of DREAMGATES, shares dreams are like "postcards from a journey".

You can sit with the dream and quietly travel back into it. Bring questions to ask the dream character to better explain the scenario. Some of the gaps in the dream can be filled in for fuller meaning. If you experienced a nightmare, you may want to confront the adversaries who caught your attention by using shock tactics. 

Dreams are passageways into other realms, where you can seek information. Dream time can become your soul journey, exploring beyond the physical body. You can experience an adventure viewing a past life, future experience, or parallel world. Your inner world will reach new heights as you learn the language of your dreams.

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