Saturday, September 8, 2018

Emersion and Isolation

"Solitude is a chosen separation for refining your soul
Isolation is what you crave when you neglect the first."
Wayne Cordeiro

Emersion and isolation are an opposite ends of the spectrum, but both play a definite part in our life if we are to be balanced.  The caution is found if either is taken to the extreme.  Extreme emersion can trigger a state of overwhelm and stunt our individual development. Total isolation can cause us to shut down emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Sharing time with like minded people is a necessity in staying in alignment.  The exposure to others stirs our souls, nudges our minds, and activates creativity.  Choosing a special time or a retreat for solitude also stirs our souls, nudges our minds sand activates creativity.  So these opposites draw us into the same experiences.

Imbalance is created when we are submerged in too many activities or disconnected from thriving life.  In order to find our true nature, we require both sides of this equation.  If our paths have become too narrow, there is no room for expansion, and if they have become too wide, there is not enough quiet to hear personal thought.  Chose wisely, embracing both connection and silence.

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