Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Act of Grounding

"Accidents are the body's mechanism
for getting our attention.
Whether it is a car accident, sports injury,
or we trip headlong into a wall,
it is an indication that we are not really in our bodies,
that something has taken our focus away.
Accidents slam us back into reality, sometimes literally.
It's the way our bodies and the universe say,
"Hey, pay attention! You're important!"

Deborah King

Accidents of any kind are a sign that we are not paying attention.  Maybe we are day dreaming, struggling with emotion, or simply tired, but we are not focused.  We are going too fast and need to be slowed down, or we are to distracted and need to be alert.  We are not in the present moment navigating the life present before us.  

The word 'grounding' used here is a term referring to connecting with the earth, feeling its energy, while pulling down energy from the Divine.  By balancing these energies in our bodies, we feel connected to all things.  Some people feel calm or peace while others experience Divine presence.  No matter what we experience through grounding, there is a means of feeling whole. 

There are many other forms of 'grounding':  some people stand on the ground barefooted;  others stand in a shower letting water comfort and cleanse; and  there are those who meditate or pray.  The form a person uses is not as important as actually taking a few minutes to ground ourselves.

So this is fine for in the morning, but what about in the midst of a crazy day?  Even if we are stalled at a stop light, we can momentarily close our eyes and visualize the act of grounding in our minds, seeing it like a photo or video.  This of course is a short version, a blink of an eye thing, but the results can be just as powerful. 

It is good to ground our selves any time, but bedtime is important as grounding energetically pulls us back together, releasing fear or apprehension.  If we crawl into bed and realize too late that we have forgotten to ground our selves, no problem.  In bed, we can ground our selves through visualization from head to toe, toe to head, until we feel relaxed and ready for a good night's sleep. 

When we are grounded in our bodies, we are far more alert and less likely to misunderstand conversations, get stuck in emotion, or be distracted from the beauty of the life surrounding us.  Grounding can take as long or as short as time allows.  Just make the gesture and notice how much more present we are in our day!

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