Sunday, July 7, 2013

Learning from Distractions

"When a lot of things start going wrong all at once,
it is to protect something big and lovely
that is trying to get itself born ~~~
and that this something needs for you to be distracted
so that it can be born as perfectly as possible."

Anne Lamott

Anne Lamott is no stranger to me.  She is an author of several books reflecting unique concepts.  My daughter sent me this quote of Anne Lamott, and since I was not familiar with it, I have found myself sitting with it ... incubating.  I have thought of the struggle and the fate of the caterpillar resulting in the birthing of a beautiful butterfly.  I have recalled bouts with chaos suddenly resulting in a sense of peaceful order.

It would seem we personally stand too close to a situation and only see what lays before us.  It is necessary to view an occurrence from farther away so we can embrace the entire scene.  There is an old story about an elephant being described by various animals.  One small animal is at the tale reporting an elephant is like a long rope.  Another animal standing at the elephant's side says it is a never ending expansion of width.  The last animal viewing the elephant's trunk reports a very long tunnel, but somewhat like a hose.  Well, we get the drift.

The meaning of our lives is translated through perspectives and unfortunately, they are not always accurate.  The most challenging times of our existence are usually when we have received or learned very vital lessons.  The chaos distracts us especially if we are totally focused on manipulating rather than observing. 

We all have opportunities to shed our skins, to be reborn, or start anew.  Our malfunctioning in given areas eventually blends into the fibers of our worth.  We learn from both sides of the coin, and that is  frequently the key ... learning from distractions.

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