Monday, July 29, 2013

Traveling with Soul

"We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles.
Meantime within man is the soul of the whole;
the wise silence;
the universal beauty,
to which every part and particle is equally related:
The Eternal ONE.


We cannot escape misfortune, but we can choose  to discern the lesson learned and  beauty never tarnished unless we are looking through faulty perceptions.  When we continuously embrace the positive in our daily lives, we can be more prepared to balance the negative. 

If we journey through life alone, we will still learn, but perhaps we would learn more deeply through exchanges with others along the way.  We see our selves reflected in another, and we need to see our selves as clearly as we can.

The best companion we can have is our soul.  Our soul will guide us, but we must embrace and nourish it through recognition, gratitude, and appreciation.  If we are not in touch with our spirit within, we are not yet ready to fully embrace and accept the world as one. 

If  we do not honor others, the disrespect will return upon the self.  If we honor others, but not our selves, the disrespect will erode our joy.  If we recognize our own soul and the souls of others, indeed our evolution to wholeness will increase. 

When we see Divine Spirit dwelling in the souls of others, we will not lift a hand except in kindness.  When we discover unique gifts and talents in others, we can easily support their endeavors as our personal uniqueness will not be threatened.  Together we can build a foundation, each person contributing and each person receiving.  The foundation will be so solid we will  all be supported in our union with the Divine.

Thoughts inspired by: 

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