"Cats are the ultimate philosophers, teaching us the art
of living in the present moment."
Karen Brademeyer
Escaping from the maddening crowd, I wandered downstairs. I needed just a pause from the conversations, both great and small. I sat down in an easy chair, reflecting upon how much energy it takes to be both the inner self and the outward persona while engaging with random people gathered for a holiday.
I felt something jump into my lap, and there sat a cat. It basically stared me down with eyes so deeply astute that I had the sense it knew more about me than I did. Silently, I engaged with this purring spirit, admitting my challenge of being authentic and yet respectful to those visiting around me.
As the cat gently purred, I reflected upon all of the versions of myself I had been trying to project. I realized that it truly didn't matter who I was, as the reflection others needed from me was for his or her comfort. I knew it was okay for others to have a misperception. I won't be understood by others with limited perspectives as I am shifting and changing.
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