Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Second Innocence

"There is the first innocence when we are children.
The second innocence comes later in your life."
John O'Donohue

As children, we are free to run, jump and squeal!  Curiosity pulls us into adventure and exploration, unafraid.  We are not tightly regulated, so we can slow down to watch a caterpillar or ramp up our speed until falling breathless. Ah, the first innocence.

As we mature, if we actually do, we gravitate towards images of dignity or stature which refines our nature.  Gone are the days of hopscotch and blowing bubbles, replaced by elite clubs and refinery.

The second innocence is indeed a blessing.  We eliminate distractions like hustle and bustle, replaced by gentle steps upon a path of spiritual discovery and calming grace.  Beauty is seen as inspiration and laughter float across the face.


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