Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Inspiration and Momentum


"You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day
you look back and you've climbed a mountain.'
Tom Hiddleston

When we are open to a stream of spiritual flow, our attention can be fascinated by a sudden suggestion or a vision worth a thousand words.  Either way, it is how we apply these morsels  of insights that create resilience and bliss within our lives.

Ego will shout, "Nonsense!' while friends might say, "Foolish!"  If we acquiesce to the negative response, we may give up before we even begin. Results, however, can be amazing when we open our hearts and give it a try.

Perhaps we cannot manage the imagined end result, but what tiny morsel can we entertain today?  What if we began on a small level, contributing whatever we can allowing it to build and unfold?  Allow inspiration to spin us forward, gaining momentum to move forward.

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