Sunday, April 3, 2022

Love As An Implement

"A warrior's life is not about imagined perfection or victory;
it is about love.  Love is a warrior's sword; wherever it cuts,
it gives life, not death."
Dan Millman

Power is not singularly a physical force, control or oppression.  It can be non-violent and freeing.  Justice can be served without a sword and battles can be resolved without warriors. Peaceful living suggests love as an implement.

The coined term "Warrior of Light" once appealed to me in a non aggressive way.  It reflected standing for peace rather than 'fighting'.  It was a stance to project peaceful living through the absence of judgment and persecution.  

"Instrument of Love" removes the stigma of war, harm, and control.  It reduces the need for  positioning and encourages standing in one's own peaceful space respecting the equal space of others.  Could the world be finally shifting from Warrior/Fear to Love/Acceptance?

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