Saturday, April 2, 2022

Partial Offerings


"I am a very strong believer in listening and learning from others."                                                     Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I paused by the screen door attracted by the song of two Cardinals.  They sounded intense and yet light hearted.  I walked away believing I would return later to fully appreciate their melodies.  Time passed and when I remembered my earlier intent, it was too late.  The birds were long gone.

And isn't this just like life?   A partial conversation is overheard and we make a mental note to follow up, but we get lost in other exchanges.  We catch a phrase from a podcast or a few lyrics of a song, and intend to listen to the entire piece, but neglect to do so.

It is curious as to how many mini lessons, snippets of wisdom, and inspirational glimpses we miss throughout our day.  Possibly, we are overly focused or aimlessly distracted resulting in the absence of profound insight.  Both listening and learning feeds our soul, if we but take the time to fully become aware.

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