Sunday, February 13, 2022

When the Fog Lifts and the Sun Shines

"Self-esteem is made up primarily of two things:
feeling lovable and feeling capable."
Jack Canfield 

When the fog lifts and the sun shines, I happily wander through through the trees.  Earthy fragrances and the scampering of small creatures, enliven my connection with all there is.  As messages whisper through the branches, I am keen to remain curious within each moment.

Whatever I wrap around my lovely self, keeps me loving and kind. Memories remind me of  what I am capable of creating.  The colors I choose to paint my environment, impacts my attitudes and perceptions.  When I view my presence from a distance, I can determine where I need cleansing and restoration.

When the fog lifts and the sun shines, I am called to embrace the way things are and what needs to be created to sustain my heart's desire.  In the midst of trees, I gather energy to be invested into new space which will allow me to safely glide and soar.  

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