Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Traveling Into The Unknown


"It always seems impossible until it is done."
Nelson Mandela

Repeatedly, I create a scenario where I hope to be my best.  To unleash my passion, enjoy freedom, and soar through trees lifting up to the sky, I move forward knowing this will be exactly what I have been searching.

Did I set my goals unrealistically, miscalculate my power, and set my lovely self up for failure?  As I stand back calculating what caused the drift, I realize it was merely another lesson without any right or wrong.

The surfacing of a new challenge can be minimized, ignored or viewed as totally foolish.  How many times are we willing to try again with new tools and rising destinations?  When I am no longer paralyzed by fear, I manage to view a new and improved self, capable of once again traveling into the unknown.

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