Thursday, February 17, 2022

Rain Drops, Creative Moistening

"Our tears prepare the ground for our future growth.
Without this creative moistening, 
we may remain barren."
Julia Cameron

The rain steadily falls outside of my window.  As it turns to ice, I can hear the pelts striking the panes.  The transition reminds me of how my emotions can either slide from tears with paralyzed reactions or create a sense of cleansing for prosperity.

I tend to associate raindrops with the fragrance of spring and the promise of colorful flowers.  The same is true for my own tears or raindrops, as they wash off the old and stagnant, preparing for increased creativity and comfort.

The perspective of rain falling from the heavens adds a gentle comfort to the constant stirring in my life. My tears, like raindrops, represent creativity, new beginnings, and release.  They offer a sense of nurturing and rebirth.  I see them as comforting, peaceful, supporting elements in my life.

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