Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Stillness of a Tree


"You don't always need a plan.  Sometimes you just 
need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens."
Mandy Hale

The tree is majestic just standing in place.  Even when every leaf has fallen, there is still the strength of presence and grace.  The deep roots may be unseen, but they continue to hold the tree strong waiting for nature's direction.

We accumulate intentions, expectations, and rigid time lines which can actually impede our pace.  Clutter abounds distancing us from synchronistic or intuitive input that could  be unexpected accelerants towards vision and passion.

We can gather support by allowing open spaces for guidance and direction.  During unplanned opportunities, we may encounter unexpected options.  Like the mighty tree,  we can choose to experience stillness,  breathing in the unknown while waiting to see what happens. 

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