Sunday, June 27, 2021

Parts of the Self

"Rest in knowing that the Universe 
unfolds at just the right time."
Emily Silva

It is helpful to adjust our human need to push forward before appropriate preparation has been made.  If we can sit with our lovely selves, checking in with the concept of 'Thy Will Be Done," we can recalibrate our need to drive.

Our perceptions are extremely limited and tainted making it vitally important to align our bodies, minds, and spirits with the flow of life.  Build respect for the rhythm both inside and outside.  With this sense of balance, we move forward with greater ease.

When a  child is overwhelmed by his or her surroundings, it is helpful to have the young one sit upon a chair until thoughts, emotions, and reactions are under control.  The same is true for our lovely selves.  Take a time out and sit in stillness.  This allows time to gather all parts of the self.


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