Saturday, June 12, 2021

Diversity to the Dull and Plain


"When we stop opposing reality, 
action becomes simple, fluid, kind, and fearless."
Byron Katie

Clear vision is only one component to viewing reality.  What we do with reality after it grabs our attention is one more element. We have choices to dress it up with avoidance or dumb it down by ignoring it.  Even when we look at reality head on, we must understand if we are viewing through a tainted perspective or unbiased discernment. 

Then there is accountability.  No matter what the cause, if I hold my self accountable it allows me to feel that I might have power over the situation.  When we take one step back to see what degree of involvement is factual, it is easier to remain aligned reacting from a space of strength. To be a realist, one can be rigid or selective in his or her involvement.  

No one welcomes fear and basically at heart we have the potential to be kind, but some of us engage in applying color and depth to basic reality.  With the stroke of an artist's brush, one can add depth and diversity to the dull and plain.  If we are fluid, however, we undoubtedly float across both scenarios.

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