Friday, June 18, 2021

Invisible Conditioning


"We will find what we look for."
Mary Pipher

Highly entertaining is the challenge of asking a few individuals to look up into the clouds or across the horizon or into the dark.  What do they see or feel or experience?  The responses will never match each other, as they will ultimately be unique.

The experiences in our lives have altered our personalities and perhaps even our physical appearance.  These events alter our perceptions based on our experiences.  Once we become aware of our damaging assumptions, one can go on to learn how we color life in shades altering clarity.

As children, we were like little sponges soaking up things we didn't understand; but these attitudes towards the self and others became permanent, yet perhaps invisible. Our  behaviors or responses can be automatic without questioning origin or importance.  Take a moment and sense the old sayings still hanging in your mind. 'Don't step on a sidewalk crack. Don't wash your hair when you have your period.  Never look directly into the eyes of a man.  Never question the authority of any elder ... priest, doctor, dentist, teacher, coach, stranger."  Our elders meant well, but they had been conditioned themselves.

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