Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Wisdom of the Tree

"Ah. to be like a tree 
With all its bent and unbent places,
A whole and holy thing  
From its topmost twigs
To the deepest taproot
To all the good and graceful 
Space between."
Carrie Newcomer

Trees have been a consistent presence in my life.  I have always been aware of the life flowing within them and the unique energy found in each one.  I have marveled at the intricacies of the root system, and the cycles they follow.  The communication between them creates a sense of holy origin.

Their growth offers a template of many stages they pass through. ... root systems powerful growth; supporting branches; feeding tiny buds; changelings of colorful flowers or leaves;  withstanding the powerful wind, rain and snow.  They, too, suffer losses: broken limbs, disease; disrespect from humans.  

Trees are a symbol of courage and power.  They are examples of endurance and courage.  Their pleasure comes from the space between capturing both silence and sound.   They offer areas where animals or birds may take refuge or rest.  The massive branches offer shelter and a place for children  to climb and their mighty trunks are a safe haven for a soul to lean in and absorb the wisdom of the tree.

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