Monday, October 2, 2017

Focused Loving Heart

"Fear less, Hope more;  Whine less Breathe more;
Talk less, Say more; Hate less, Love more;  and all
good things are yours."
Swedish Proverb

We are capable of reducing fear which allows more room for hope.  Fear devours our energy and has the power to freeze us in one place ... but only if we choose to allow it to do so.  If we have the awareness to replace fear with hope, our lives will unfold in just the same way, but on a higher level of understanding.

Fear distorts while hope encourages.  If we complain endlessly, we are simply drawing more negativity to us.  When we choose to deliberately breathe deeply to expel negative thoughts, our bodies remain healthy.  When we  are in a place of wholeness, we do not feel the need for constant chatter.  Importance shifts from the minuscule to deeper thought.

If we focus on being centered in the moment and not tangled in our past, we are free to love.  There is no reason to hate if we are in the process of filing ourselves with love.  Life will always be challenging, no one is spared; but, with a focused loving heart we are not as apt to stumble and fall. We begin to see the goodness in all things while taking our lessons in stride.

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