Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Stimulating Verbal Embrace

"When someone loves you,
the way they talk about you is different.
You feel safe and comfortable."
Jess C. Scott

There is no longer time for meaningless conversations.  I have no tolerance for 'small talk' and I'd rather use my words for "Good Morning," to a total stranger in the street.  The dullness of insignificant exchanges lack the energy of a stimulating verbal embrace with a loved one.

A loved one can be a child, friend or elder who immediately sparks at the very sound of your voice.  A contagious grin slides across the face and laughter is almost immediate.  The conversation picks up wherever you last left it and the journey of kinship carries forward.

The exchange between loved ones heals the heart and mends the soul.  An appreciative mood wraps around both souls like clouds caressing the moon.  Happiness sparks inside like stars popping into the sky.  The words spoken between those who love are gentle, kind, and everlasting.

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