Friday, February 24, 2017

Discover, Wonder and Bliss

"A well composed book is a magic carpet on which 
we are wafted to a world we cannot enter in any other way."
Caroline Gordon

The written word carefully placed upon a page initiates the kindling to strike the fire of learning.  The fire grows as each word is offered to the passion of the reader. Uncensored, the mind expands and welcomes the dance of the flames.

There is no other vehicle accommodating our wander lust such as a book.  The fare is low, the weather never interferes, and connections are freely made.  Characters speak to us with words we long to hear or spark our authentic yearnings waiting to enter reality.

The passage to any portal awaits for the reader to choose.  The destinations are endless whether written in words of fantasy or carefully recorded in ancient script.  As our creative mind engages with the words of the author, the momentum begins transporting the reader into discovery, wonder, and bliss.

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