Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Recognized and Remembered

"They didn't recognize me," I repeat.
He stops in turn, my hand still on his arm.
"It's because they have never seen you," he says.
"I would recognize you anywhere." 
Muriel Barbery

Recognition is not the goal if we are extending our gifts and talents to better the lives of others.  We encourage and guide during work and play which builds our integrity and radiates our soul.  Our contribution may be a microscopic drop in a brilliant landscape, but without it, the picture would be  incomplete.

We all have the desire to be seen and heard which is important to our unfolding spiritual and physical lives.  If we believe observers are unaware of our efforts, we can choose to remember the Divine is always cheering us on.  Our good deeds do not go unnoticed and goodness is returned to us double fold in random acts of kindness from others.

If we allow our light to shine brightly, we will be seen or our energy will be felt.  We can create a presence just by being.  Look into the eyes of others and see if a trace of recognition is reflected.  Know that energy has been exchanged and duly registered.   On some level, we are recognized and remembered by many.


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