Sunday, February 12, 2017

Splayed Wide Open

"The only way to find true happiness 
is to risk being completely cut open."
Chuck Palahniuk

Notable authors claim we repeatedly experience heart break, breaking our hearts open continuously.  They go on to say that it is not until the heart is permanently cracked open that true love enters.  If a person is breathing, they have experienced a broken heart.

The act of keeping our heart open can create an overwhelming sense of vulnerability.  To allow our core to be splayed wide open takes physical courage and emotional strength.  With the removal of masks and false identity, our authentic form can be seen by all.

We may ask ourselves 'why' we would do such a painful thing as exposing our entire self?  The answer is clear ... the possibility of being unconditionally loved just as we are heightens our self-worth, heals old wounds, and strengthens positive energy within the world.

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