Monday, February 27, 2017

Rush to the Surface

"'I hope I get a good night's sleep and then have a rush
of thoughts,  as I did this morning,'  says O.    'It's very 
delightful  when that happens  ~  all of them rushing to 
the surface, as  if they  have  been  waiting  for  me to 
become conscious of them ...'" 
Bill Hayes

Words rapidly flow through my consciousness at lightning speed.  I find I must set down my favorite pen and let my fingers race across the keyboard.  Where do these thoughts originate and who dresses them is such brilliant colors?  Surely I am but a vessel to give birth to unsigned expression.

The words mysteriously flee through my consciousness.  Imaginative thoughts are never ending and there is no incentive for me to stop.  Phrases are accompanied by rich images so alive all seem to be breathing in this very space.

There indeed is no importance to who authors these words, as it is as though they belong to no one.  The need is to float them out into the world for others to see and breathe.   The unspoken words have a fragrance all of their own and the depth of meaning is up to you, and you a lone.

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