Monday, September 26, 2016

Ripples into Reality

"Happiness comes when your work and words
are of benefit to yourself and others."
Jack Kornfield

If our passion creates a positive influence, it will not only impact our life, but the lives of others.  The experience of our actions increases our self-confidence and encourages others to have the strength to follow their personal pursuit.

When we witness the perseverance of others, we are inspired to follow suit.  As we step through the barrier of fear, we raise our curiosity and determination towards discovery.  Who is calling to us?  What are we yearning to see?

We never truly know where life will lead us.  We may have distinctive plans to travel towards one destination only to find ourselves later compelled to go in another.  Synchronicity opens unexpected doors altering and enhancing our pursuits.  When we finally arrive at some sense of completion,  the essence of our work ripples into reality to benefit ourselves and others.

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