Friday, September 23, 2016

Maintain Our Course

"Don't promise when you're happy.
Do not reply when you're angry
And do not decide when you are sad."

In the moment of joy, we make commitments that will later be resented.  In a moment of anger words spill out of our mouth that we instantly regret.  In the depth of sadness, we make decisions that bury us deeper.  When we are in these situations, check in with the body, mind, and soul  If we are in alignment, our answers will be more honest and true.

When we trust our bodies to resonate with something good, it assists us in making a decision; but don't stop there.  It only takes a moment to discern if it is the heart responding or if it is the ego.  Within this pause, it is beneficial to visualize both the short and long term impact to all involved.

When these steps become a natural part of our decision making, we become authentic in our life style.  It helps us to stay in the moment, and to use our body, mind, and spirit as instruments to maintain our course for peaceful living. 

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