Friday, September 2, 2016

Lingering In My Absence

"'None of it happened, and all of it's true' 
might be the very definition of good fiction."
Ann Patchett

What words will linger in our vacated space when we move on?  Will we be remembered for having an acid tongue, biased opinions or distorted views?  Will we be quoted for our words of wisdom or insightful reactions?  Will our imaginative whimsy or precision with truth be recalled?

Fictional writers often base characters on people they have met, but alter the story line; or the content is positively true, but the characters imagined.  Non-fictional authors give voice to people, places, and things which may have just been discovered, and yet  existed prior to discovery.  Each generation contributes and/or changes definitions and creates passwords or codes.

When I vacate this space, I hope the words lingering in my absence will include: Articulating Silence (writing and presentations), Deciphering Dreams (unfolding a language in itself) and Exploring Inner Landscapes (parallel lives and diverse realms).  I endeavor to leave behind words of kindness, passion, and creative expression .

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