Saturday, July 23, 2011

Light into the Darkness ...

We are not stuck with the brain we were born with,
but have the capacity to willfully direct
which functions will flower and
which will wither ...
which emotions flourish and
which are stilled.

by Sharon Begley

When we think we have no choice, it feels as though we are a victim and become immobilized by fear.  If we can believe that we have options, we become empowered.
It is a matter of where we place our focus.

Like it or not, we all have a 'dark side'.  We can deny this, hide from it or repress it, but it remains truth.  The negative side of personality can dominate if it is allowed full reign or it can be tempered through awareness and understanding.

Over the years, I have learned to embrace my own 'dark side', but this became possible only after I learned to love and accept myself.  It was self-defeating to try to tame that which hid in the dark when I was not dealing from strength. 

When wounded, we cannot sufficiently fight or overcome a battle.  We must heal first and then advance with strength.  Learning to focus on our positive characteristics, we begin to grow self-love, honor and respect.  Armed with personal awareness, we can begin to honestly face what challenges prevent us from being whole.

By learning to appreciate my good qualities, I felt as though a small flicker of light was beginning to glow within me.  As I began to forgive and accept my self, the light began to dance and become more energetic.  When the candle glimmer turned into an unyielding flame, I was able to turn and gently walk fully into my darkness. 

When we enter the challenge equipped with hope and understanding, we are more able to recognize that which hides.  Bringing light into the darkness, we can be more accepting and apply discernment without judgment.  "We did the best we could at that time with the knowledge we had," is a beautiful affirmation to help through this process.

Our uncompromising light enters into the darkness until the dark is no more.  We begin to feel lighter, buoyant and illuminating, adding even more brilliance to what remains in the creases and wrinkles of forgotten times.  We become a beacon to others.

What we find in the darkness doesn't necessarily disappear, but where we place our focus determines the balance.  We know we have choice to walk in our light creating a full and loving path to follow. 

                               "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine...
                                 Hide it under a bushel, no!  I'm going to let it shine ...
             Don't let darkness blow it out!  I'm going to let it shine ... "

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