Monday, February 4, 2019

Minimize and Maximize Beauty

"Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention,
Be astonished,
Tell about it."
Mary Oliver

Mary Oliver may have passed into the next realm, but her messages to us through her essays and poetry will long be with us.  Her writing is inspiring and yet simple.  She sticks to the point without a loftiness which could lead us astray. 

Pay attention:  Be aware of surroundings, not lost in thought or daily routines.  Look with new eyes.
Be astonished:  Be entertained by simplicity such as falling snow flakes, the antics of a two year old.
Tell about it:  Jot it down, sketch it, paint it, tell a friend or simply hold it in the mind's eye.

When we learn to expand appreciation we feel connected, inspired, and entrenched in the happenings surrounding us.  We develop an awareness of the larger background pieces bringing depth or grandeur, just as we take notice of the smaller unrecognized things contributing to the larger picture.  As we minimize and maximize our perceptions, change occurs and our vibration partakes in a glorious frequency.

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