Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Truth Changes

  "Truth is a seed hidden
in the days until watered 
by our experience."

Mark Nepo

Truth resides in all of us whether it is our biased opinion or documented fact.  Said knowledge lingers in our being not fully understood until it is put into practice.  We may assume a certainty means a particular thing, but it is not until we experience it that authenticity comes alive.  When we finally add feeling to truth, it becomes a full experience.

It is not until we have walked through a situation that our understanding deepens.  Experience triggers our definition of what we know to be true; and, in addition, welcomes all of our senses to be heightened.  Our original definition of truth comes alive with layers of meaning.   

When our emotions begin to flow, our tears water the initial seed of truth.  Facts begin to stretch and grow, taking on greater definition. The physical touch adds a layer of comfort or increased fear,  just as the sense of smell will always be present in our recall.  If there was smoke or lots of flowers or heavy cologne or propane,  it too will be trapped in what we remember to be true.

After we have lived through what we hold as our truth, we can choose to be bitter or thankful or compassionate.  We once again create our new understanding of truth, until life brings it back to us once again.   Truth continues to change according to the stories we tell our lovely selves, while additional experience may generate new meaning.  Truth resides in the context of our understanding.

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