Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Beacon of Light

"In wisdom be a lamp,
a light unto yourself."

Jack Kornfield

When we feel intimately connected to the Divine or the Universe, we shine like a light.  It is with this light we turn into our personal darkness to eliminate hidden fears or extract sadness from the past.  As we bring light into our darkness, our vision increases enabling us to see beyond the illusion of fear.  Our confidence increases and we link our lessons together, noting the triggers of numerous behaviors.

New understanding generates compassion for ourselves which increases the ability to finally forgive and move forward.  To participate in a personal journey, we become empowered; more comfortable in our own body, mind, and spirit; and inclined to pursue more healing adventures.  

Darkness will never completely go away, so it is for us to accept it.  When we maintain our radiant light, we see better into our hidden spots without fear.  We treasure the feelings of intimacy and healing, as they teach us to become a beacon of light to ourselves as well as to others. 

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