Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Beautiful Forever

"According to the Buddha, 
everyone is born to be beautiful ~
not just for the first twenty-five years, but always.
The source of all beauty is within."

Eknath Easwaran
Your Life Is Your Message

Listen to the praises a new born!  Even a toddler is portrayed by magical actions or sayings.  Watch an adult greet a child in a grocery store.   When is it we begin to withhold praises and stop admiring the light shining brightly from within?  At what point do we stop feeling confident and purposeful?  Who is it deciding these things, anyway?
Think back to a time or an event in your life when you felt particularly special.  Visualize how you looked and notice in your body how you felt.  What about your posture and facial expression?  Try to step into the memory and take in the emotion, the physical expansiveness, and the personal identity.  Relive the moment as best as you can.
Now try to bring all of those special feelings back into the present moment.  Recapture the emotion of feeling special and let it spread through your body.  Slowly, breathe in joy.  Slowly, breathe out any heaviness you may feel inside.  Leave room only for the expansive appreciation for your authentic spirit.
Carry these feelings of acceptance throughout your day, mindfully breathing in and out.  Do not allow any negativity to linger in your mind.  Let it go.  Just for today, be who you were always meant to be ... beautiful forever, inside and out.

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