Saturday, April 18, 2015

New Vision and Successful Progress

"Stay committed to your decisions,
but stay flexible in your approach."

Tony Robbins

We accumulate hours of preparation for our life, like gathering fabric for a quilt with patterns, needles and thread.  Single minded attention is given to detail and yet the beauty  can be discovered in the inconsistencies.   The intent for perfection is rarely met, and to our surprise, the ripping out of hard work is often the turning point of our greatness.

When we experience difficulty in putting pieces together, it doesn't mean we need to give entirely up. It does mean we will benefit if we would stand back and see things from a distance.  Maybe the end result is more appealing by switching a few colors around or adapting a pattern.

A dead end does not necessarily require the termination of an entire project.  It simply indicates there may be a better way.  Listening to our hearts or being called to start over, does not mean failure.  Creating a new strategy allows us to once again become a beginner with new vision and successful progress.  

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