Friday, April 10, 2015

Colors In The Box

"When it comes to life, we spin our own yarn,
and where we end up is really, in fact, 
where we always intended to be."

Julia Glass

As the author of my life, I can use narrow vision or a broad perspective.  In one I can cast my lovely self as a victim of trauma, whereas in the other, I can be a brave crusader for surviving.  What role I play depends upon my moods, attitudes, and how life is unfolding around me.  The important thing is to accept responsibility for coloring my life with just one crayon or with all of the colors in the box.

As we neglect ownership of our process, we can wander near and far off the correct course.  Some where a long the path, however, we find ourselves back where we need to be.  This may be divine intervention or it may be the tiring of playing the role we have cast.

Playing a role and being an authentic spirit are vastly different.  When we are playing a role, we are projecting images for attention or recognition.  When we are living an authentic life, we are using inner guidance and intuition.  In the first, we are trusting others and in the second we are placing trust upon our selves.

In order to be fully present in our authentic lives, we must embrace self-worth.  We must believe we are valuable even with imperfection.  Our imperfection challenges us to become greater than our individual parts.  We learn to create using all of our parts together.  Acceptance depends upon the story we tell ourselves.

Our stories can either bolster our life experience or keep us stuck repeating the same lesson over and over.  We cannot wait for a knight on a white horse to swoop us to safety.  We must gather the tools we have and pave our own way.  Teachers will appear to assist, but the work remains our own.

Today, pick up the box of crayons and dump all of the colors out.  Begin to use each one to creatively design a happy life using personal strengths and guided intuition.

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