Sunday, November 27, 2011

Unseen Grid

"Your need is connected to someone else's;
at this very moment someone wants to offer the very thing you seek.  Know that the divine connection system is always operating."


My dear friend Bonnie always points out that God has a plan before we even have the desire.  So once again, as human beings, we require patience for the plan to come together.

Every night we may fall to our bed, heavy laden with unfulfilled desires, but every morning we awaken with a clean slate.  With each sunrise, we get to start anew.

We can begin again in each and every moment, hour, day, month, year, while waiting to connect the dots for our intention.  Often times, we must repeat or regroup or redesign until the appropriate networking is complete.

We forget the divine network that supports our efforts and some are unaware of the unseen grid surrounding us.  We are like molecules bumping into each other.  We do not become aware of the connectedness until we are aligned with what is necessary for our plan. 

This unseen grid intrigues me.  I met a woman one time who I had heard many good things about.  I was certain that our paths had never crossed before. Once I met her, however, I realized we had been attending the same meetings and trainings on a regular basis.  We laughed and wondered how many years our paths had been crossing, but we just didn't know it. 

My daughter, living in Tennessee, mentioned to a fellow Nashville colleague that she was born and raised in a small Illinois town.  The colleague mentioned attending college in a small Illinois town and it turned out to be located in my daughter's birth place.

Last July I attended a meeting at a location I had never previously visited.  I walked into the room and knew no one there.  Being new to the community, I sat down next to a woman and through conversation learned that she had grown up 30 minutes from where I used to live.

There are endless stories like the ones above.  None of them may be earth shattering, but joined together we discover these synchronicities, coincidental or accidental meetings, or flukes bring desires together in an almost magical way.   

We walk amongst strangers every day, but I feel certain that if and when we take the time to be friendly, we would discover some sort of shared link in this unseen grid.  If we took the time to greet those around us in the manner we greet babies in a grocery store, the world would be a more friendly place.  We would realize our similarities and no longer see each other as strangers. 

So we don't need to give up on our dreams and desires just because they have not taken form.  It does not mean that they are wrong, but rather we have not yet met the person who offers the need we seek!

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