"The intensity of the pain depends on the degree
of resistance to the present moment."
Eckhart Tolle
What a curious day this might be both individually and collectively. I wonder how much effort will be invested in paying attention to physical actions. Will it be just another day or will deliberate purpose control the unfolding? They are calling this last day in February, Black Out Friday.
My paternal grandparents came from Sweden and my maternal grandparents came from Bohemia, a now extinct country. My parents lived through a war and I believed my generational experience was Viet Nam. Now, as discord builds, I am rather uncertain that I will ever enjoy the peace I had imagined for my life time.
If I do not hold myself accountable, will others do the same? And if so, what will be the outcome? Does one bury his or her head in the sand or filter through the overwhelm of theories excavating truth? Will actions create personal repercussions? Behavioral patterns are reflecting extensive dysfunction and sadly, I do not believe 'talk therapy' will help.