Friday, January 31, 2020

Circulating Memories Sustain

"The path to our destination is not always a straight one.
We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe 
it doesn't matter which road we embark on.  Maybe
what matters is that we embark."
Barbara Hall

It is intriguing for me when I place my sister's journey parallel to my own.  She is the straight arrow, making sound choices and advancing through her life as though she had been born with directions.  On the other hand, my journey reflected travel through a labyrinth.  There were many do overs, dead ends, and deep pits, but it is what I know and how  I became well seasoned.

Before we are born, I wonder if we choose our way of navigating.  Do we choose a train picking the  stream liner non stop to the destination, like my sister or do we hop on the freight train making intermittent stops along the way.  I think it was the comfort of the caboose that won me over.

My life has been quite diverse as I traveled both near and far.  It seems like the only time I was consistently grounded was in my child raising years.  Love for my four children came easily as they taught me many things. Now I am lulled in life traveling in the last car, the caboose.  Life travels faster outside of the windows, but the landscape continues to inspire me.  As the caboose gently sways, I feel safe and my circulating memories sustain me.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Escorted into Higher Perspective

"Love courses through everything."
Fakhruddin Iraqi

Ignite our light the first thing of the morning whether it is through meditation, prayer, yoga or walking.  Even just a few words of gratitude or thanks awakens our connection with Divine Light and it tends to increase throughout the day.

Once we have turned on our flame, we tend to be kinder to those around us and smile more at strangers.  We are more easily called to pick up the dropped book of the elder or tease the grumpy  face of a child until they giggle.

Throughout the day, our wick grows stronger moving us forward more gracefully.  We are more apt to dismiss the mishaps and be joyful for the small surprises dotted throughout the day.  If we can be aware of our light or love we feel connected and this in itself escorts us into a higher perspective of our day.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

In the Midst of Loss, We Can Find Gain

"Sometimes when you lose your way,
you find YOURSELF."
Mandy Hale

If we wander away from our routines or schedules, we may be very likely to discover something about ourselves, community or life.  When we turn down a new street we pay more attention as our minds are not riveted on our routine.  There was a woman who was seeking a new apartment for months with no luck.  While driving home to her apartment, she suddenly turned down a random street.  As she slowly looked around, she discovered a for rent sign ... and yes, you can guess at the rest!

We need to change the filters in our perspective and we can easily do this in an unfamiliar surrounding.  It is not unusual for a writer to travel to a coffee shop in a neighboring town to find clarity in thought.  An artist frequently will move his or her canvas from one inspirational spot to another.  To get fresh input, we must generate an element of change.

When we travel on vacation or for our career, we interact with others.  People who do not know us will make interesting comments about us that we really had not thought about.  They may compliment us or make a harsh observation .... either one leading us to revisit who we really are and how we need to change to stretch into who we truly want to be.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Opening the Doorway

"Non-judgment quiets the internal dialogue, and this opens 
once again the doorway to creativity."
Deepak Chopra

Multi tasking while we chat on the phone and attempt to continue with our work.  I would think neither task would be as potent if we tended to things one at a time.  The same can be said for our inner chatter which unfortunately can be non-stop.  As our emotional brains rant and rave, there leaves very little room for our creativity to get through to realization.

Creative ideas are known to pop up when our monkey brains are still.  Walking in nature many people are focused on the beauty and creativity joins. Driving down the road our mind is focused allowing lofty thoughts to rise. Listening to music, the clattering has ceased and creativity can flow with the musical notes.  As we sleep without distractions, our dreams can carry us to scenarios sparking revelations!

It is difficult to quiet our minds as the more we try, the worse they sometimes get.  Like anything else, we need to invest in training our selves with just minutes in the day.  Breathe in fresh air through your nose. Hold. Exhale through the mouth, blowing out stagnant air and thoughts.  Pause.  The mind will learn from the 'hold'  and in time one can stretch that 'hold'' into lengthier space of silence and insight.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Reconcile Within and the World Shifts

"I have just three things to teach:
simplicity, patience, compassion.
These are your greatest treasures.
Compassionate towards yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.
Lao Tzu

We are our own greatest enemy. Our judgments of what we do or forget to do are far greater than  what anyone else would say.  The constant criticism of who we are and who we think we should be chokes possibility to change.  People surrounding us appear to be unapproachable and disconnected.

We look at other people and perhaps wish we had his or her life, not realizing that they as well harbor judgment and criticism of themselves.  Our attention is wasted gazing at what we want to have. Our energy would be best used looking inside to find our own diamonds in the rough.

The amazing thing is that when we begin to treat our own selves with compassion, the entire world around us begins to shift as well.   We see other people as being much kinder and helpful with a deeper connection to all there is.  There is so much to be gained if we but reconcile with our lovely selves.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Let the Story Slowly Unfold

"You need to have faith in yourself.  Be brave and take risks.  
You don't have to have it all figured out to move forward."
Roy T Bennett

While watching a primitive Christmas movie about Nicholas who was a young child living in harsh conditions without family in the hills of huge mountains, I could easily bullet point the underlying message.  The story followed Nicholas from a young child to an aged man, and although one would think he had nothing, he did have one thing ... skill to carve wood.

It was interesting to watch his love for carving grow into a gift giving to others who were unaware of his talent.  As the small mountain grew, so did his ability to carve.  One childhood friend caught on that it was indeed Nicholas delivering toys at night, and he begged Nicholas to tell people, to barter with those selling wares as they passed through the town.   But this encouragement to become known and prosper from his talent fell upon deaf ears.

Certainly everyone knows how the story goes and yes, there were reindeer and a basic red outfit; but the story line remained focused on the talents we receive and how we use them.  The message seemed to be .... recognize your gift .... slowly increase ability .... love it, don't take to heart words of others ....   life will move you forward ... and be thankful for the blessings that come.   The story simply unfolds.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Barrel Forward .... Leap!

"Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters,
it doesn't matter what we call it; what matters is to 
leave in the past those moments in life that are over."
Paulo Coelho

There is a picture of a woman standing at the top of a cliff with one foot extended, and beneath the picture is the word, "Leap!"  It was posted in a self-help book, but even today it best describes transition.  

We have been pressured so greatly from our past, we have recognized the need to move forward.  As we stand at the top of the cliff, there is nothing familiar surrounding us.  We want to step forward but there is nothing but air beneath our extended foot.  We can look for miles and see nothing concrete to bridge us to our new way of living.

Transition is much easier if we have a sketchy plan, a slim wisp of insight, or a safety net beneath us, but that rarely happens.  We must gather our faith in God providing us with new chances, believe there will be kind people to befriend us, and self-confidence to begin life once again.  When we finally let go and leap, we may have bruised knees and scraped elbows, but our energy is concentrated barreling forward.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Obliteration of Our Nest

"As lovely as awakening may sound, it often means the 
complete obliteration of life as you knew it."
Toko-pa Turner 

If we are living a life that is not supporting personal growth and healthy relationships, our desire might be to change.  We don't realize, however, no matter how dysfunctional our current life style may be, it is what we are used to.  It may be inadequate, but it is a sense of  comfort as we know all components.  When we think of change, nothing remains the same.

In order to reach the change we desire, we first must discard debris that is no longer needed.  We may have to detach from some people or places that may not be bad, but are not supportive or moving us forward.  These attachments hold us in place and there needs to be open spaces for the new to arrive.

There is a span of time between letting go and receiving the new.  It is unidentified and therefore may be frightening.  We may feel extreme discomfort or fear the unknown.  When we place our faith in the direction we have been called,  we continue to move forward as goodness begins to gather.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Internalized Support System

"the sun is within me and so is the moon"

Water is my favorite element captivating me since I was a toddler.  I have been an avid swimmer, and have routinely placed my feet to be cleansed by the water, but not as many times as I have watched the sun fall from the sky.   My oldest ritual, however, is lighting a candle to join the moon floating in the midst of stars.   

Astrologically, I am a Cancer ( I ignore the crab symbol) or a Moon Child having water as the largest element.  This means I am highly sensitive, emotional, and a loner.  I have worn significant titles throughout life, but the moon and water were always lying not far beneath.  The slowness of the shining moon within my imagination was a constant respite to my highly sensitive life.

My sacred belief system has been shaped by ancient writings, poets, and spiritual authors.  My intention was to refine what I believed and instead my understandings grew deeper and deeper.  Now they have all internalized as a support system watching the moon glide across the sky.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Then the Bubble Burst

"Perhaps home is not a place but simply
an irrevocable condition."
James Baldwin

A male friend of mine died a long time ago.  He left me with an unexpected gift which I was not to recognize until years later.  He was not one for self expression or insightful conclusions, but he said to me, "I admire your ability to slide into random places and feel at home, blending with strangers."  

When his words came floating up into my consciousness, I really had to think about what he meant, as I was a person who never really had a healthy feeling about being at home.  What he said was true, however, and I believe it is because I did not have a set emotional definition for what home would feel like, so I could slip in and out of scenarios with ease.  Besides, I was always drawn to people and their families.

Eventually, I found myself in an emotional space which I could only identify as home.  I felt welcoming vulnerability, totally embraced with both scars and brilliance, and most importantly, I felt entirely whole with the ability to be anything imagined.   In time, the bubble burst and I was forced to realize that home just might be an emotional state and not a physical place at all.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Moment We Are One

"Enlightenment for a wave is the moment the wave
realizes that it is water. At that moment,
all fear of death disappears."
Thich Nhat Hanh

As human beings evolve with increased brilliance, perhaps we make things too complicated, to complex, and therefore not easy to be understood by all of man kind.  I think of Ina Gartner the Food Net Work guru and all of her recipes using special ingredients.  The bottom line, however, is we must learn to feed each other for peaceful survival.

Common sense is just that.  As children we are taught not to call names and not to hit others, but apparently we are watching actions that speak louder than words.  We fill our lovely selves with things that poison our mind, body and soul.  We drift further from the common sense of oneness to thoughts of constructing walls of separation.

This past spring while planting flowers I noticed all of the layers of the ground.  I gently spread the roots to each plant and tenderly nestled them into the multi layered earth.  It struck me then ...  in that moment ... I was completely connected with nature.  In a flash of space  there was nothing to fear as I knew we were all holding each other.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Look What We Have Done

"The inward battle ... against our mind, our wounds, and 
the residues of the past ... is more terrible than outward battle."
Swami Sivananda

The demons living within us do more damage than the outer violence in daily life. Perhaps better said, the demons within us project violence into the daily life.  We have gadgets, policies, and procedures to keep us safe and yet no effort is extended to the culprit within.

When time and effort is given to the acceptance of what we have physically, emotionally, and spiritually endured and covered ourselves with compassionate forgiveness, our battles can be minimized or overcome.  When our mind can be aligned with the sacred and the common, when we can see cause and effect and when kindness overcomes judgment, life can be peacefully lived.

To be one with the Universe or God, does not mean we are spared of conflict, pain, and sorrow.  It means we are never alone as we face the conditions of living in this man made world.  God handed us the paper, scissors, and paste with instructions to create, and look what we have done....

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Left Over Childhood Instincts for Survival

"Your instincts may tell you that you can't survive if you experience feelings.  But 
they are leftover child instincts.  They're the ones that first told you to freeze your
feelings.  They themselves are frozen and haven't grown with the rest of you.  These
instincts don't know that you're far more capable of learning to cope with over whelming
emotion now than when you were a child."
Maureen Brady

As a child, we experience difficult trauma, but do not yet have the coping skills or the ability to base the situation on past experiences.  There are numerous ways to respond or not respond to harsh events in our little lives.  

My personal favorite was to freeze in place when suddenly approached by fear.  I never remember feeling cold, but I felt as though the imagined ice would hold be perfectly still and perhaps even make me transparent.  If I had the sense that danger was coming, I would run away; except the running was done in my head as my feet were emotionally glued to the ground.. The faster I ran the louder the tap of my shoes and the threat falsely seemed to shrink.

When we explore dysfunction in children and truly listen without any reaction, they will share some outstanding stories. Disassociation is highly interesting.  A child if in church will disappear into the stained glass or the statue of the Blessed Mother.  If outside there are endless places such as the moon, stars, clouds or even airplanes flying high.  Sad but true, when inside the child's home, he or she will have an object that is repeatedly used for escape.  Detangling emotions do not necessarily resolve the habit of our knee jerk reactions.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Faith, Fear and Close Your Eyes

"Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck.
Faith is the solvent that sets you free."
Shannon L. Alder

Faith is one of those words that can have a wide range of definitions and trigger a host of emotions.   The word fear is much the same.  Both words, faith and fear can be solid realities or action words.  I have been familiar with both throughout my life.

Faith and fear seemed to go hand in hand.  As a child, there were so many fears and I would close my eyes hoping that faith would save me.  I was taught that faith was stronger than fear and mightier than a sword, but there sure did appear to be exceptions.

As an adult, I continue to be confronted by fear; however, I seem more creative at handling it.  Yes, faith assists, but it is not faith alone that beckons me forward.  I can recall past experiences where I have survived, risen above barriers and I have listened to the stories of other survivors helping me to keep the faith.  Most importantly, I can move through fear if I remember I do have value,  forgiveness is for all, and I am never alone.  Honestly, I do continue to close my eyes!

Friday, January 17, 2020

Neutralized Towards All Things

"Waiting hurts.  Forgetting hurts.  But not knowing
which decision to take can sometimes be the most painful."
Jose N. Harris

When a person is depressed, it doesn't take much to find them frozen in place.  There is no flexibility left in the body, the mind, nor the spirit.  In a sense the depressed person has become neutralized towards all things except the churning within the mind.

When a person is depressed, it takes great effort to put on an acceptable persona when a friend approaches.  They remain somewhat withdrawn and interact as though they were playing an expected role.  When asked, those covered in emotion will simply pass their lack of involvement on being tired. The visitor too easily agrees and leaves.

Unfortunately, pain is a part of life and to the degree we suffer depends upon our response.  We always have choice and granted it might not be a great choice; but nevertheless, it is an action that can initiate our way back to living. Even if the action does not direct us to where we most want to be, at least it is a beginning.  A new movement out of depression towards living life.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Give Upon Noticing the Need

"It is the apathetic person that sees the cause
while the charitable person sees the need."
Shannon L. Alder

Throughout my career, I was forever hearing professionals say, "It has been that way for years and it is never going to change!"  The word change can be very dramatic and costly, but also slight and unnoticeable.  Life is more positive if we can see a cause and use our creativity to impact change no matter how small.

It is difficult to watch a family who does not have a Christmas tree, no presents, and the smallest amount of food.  To instill hope, to teach trust, to offer human kindness  helps to elevate the family who had found themselves at the very bottom.

Professionals would gather from a loving community of friends holiday trimmings, gifts, and food.  It was easy to say these items were found as extras going to waste so that  family would not feel like a charity case.  Basic needs could usually be left without being noticed.  Leaving surprises on door steps, then running away is not limited to a very few.  Adults become loving children again extending such simple acts of kindness.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Process for Desire


"Of all the hardships a person had to face, none was more
punishing than the simple act of waiting."
Khaled Hosseini

It saddens to me to discover a person waiting for life to change.  They are sitting by the door, looking out the window, and waiting for change to come.  Years can pass, and still they wait for the perfect time or intervention.

God meets us half way and sometimes more than that.  The Universe is constantly floating opportunities by us and our dreams display brilliant ideas.  Unfortunately, we sit back with a sigh thinking, "I can't do that."  Well, no, if you sit there you can't.

If you are tired of being stuck, all one has to do is reach out for information.  If one does not have a computer, visit a library or enroll in a class at the junior college.  If you are curious, invite a friend over that has accomplished what you would like to do.  One must reach out and take action to pivot ourselves into the process of finding our desires.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

How Tolerance Can Be Embraced

"The highest result of education is tolerance."
Helen Keller

In broadest definition, a teacher could be an ant.  It can teach us how it travels, where it travels, and what it seeks.  This is true of animals and human beings.  Each movement made can be showing one other a way to do something.  (Children are especially good at imitating our lesser behaviors.)

It is interesting when we specialize in a trade or position, we often take our specialty for granted.  Then we are surprised when someone asks us how we manage what we do.  It is important to see ourselves as an individual honing in on given gifts meant to be brought into the world.  It does not matter to what length we teach or share.  To give brief exposure to what we think or do can propel a different individual into their own unique field.

In this process of handing down particular knowledge, we in turn become aware of what the other person is capable of doing.  They may not be able to work our trade, but they have their own thoughts which can in return inspire us.  It is through this learning process we can learn respect for others.  We are not all the same (Thank Goodness!) and our culture can aspire to tolerance of diversity.

Monday, January 13, 2020

"Are You Looking for me?"

"When you really look for me,
you will see me instantly."

Watching the moon pass across the sky, I sipped hot tea with the fireplace crackling.  I had been journaling about life transitions and evolution of the body, mind and soul.  I was recalling how close I used to feel to God in church or a small isolated chapel.  I would seek God's word in the bible and stimulating material from differing religions.

I realized the exploring of other religions is what led me to a broader definition of God.  In high school my home room teacher/mentor V.J. gave me a book which I still have....."The Hound of Heaven."  This helped me better understand God's interest in little old me.

In my life today, I do not have to 'go' anywhere to be close or to be one with God.  There is a sacred tabernacle living within me where I can find support, understanding, and courage.  If you are searching for Divine, stop.  Sit and contemplate.  Simply listen as God is waiting for us to discover sacred presence within and surrounding us entirely.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Growth Accelerates Change in Purpose

"Man's growth is held back by his surrender to other people's
expectation that he remain the person he was when they met him."
Mokokoma Mokonoana 

Everyone is supportive of change unless it involves them personally.  They encourage others to make new decisions just as long as it does not interfere with their schedule.  We support others in need for change, but we abhor any inconvenience to our relationship.  So how does that work?

It is compelling to listen inside when others announce advancement.  We react with joy while inside imagining how this is going to impact our own lives.   I met a woman in New Orleans who had become an accomplished artist since relocating from her forever home.  She shared that family and friends were always supportive as long as she stayed just the same.  By moving states away from her family and friends, she created a new life where she could fully be herself.   

As our life purpose unfolds and we sense a more profound message to bring into the world. We must be willing to trust and life will either begin to support fresh ideas or direct us back a different way.  One must at least consider the God given insight at least in our creative mind's eye rather than standing still hiding from change.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Rewards in Progress, Not Perfection

"Perfection of effort is not required, by the way.  It is
the consistency of attempting to work these tools
that bring the progress."
Holly Mosier

Construction workers spend years learning how to best use large machines and power tools; just as the artist timelessly through experiment with colors defines his or her gentle design.  Even with child rearing, no matter how much a person knows, there is always more to learn.  Perfection is not found at the end of the goal, but investing repeatedly in the task results in progress.

Think of an inventor attempting to create a new device.  His or her thoughts are not focused on perfection.  The reward is usually acknowledged in the process of inventing.  When one invention is at least created, the inventor begins again to work consistently through the process.

This applies to all of us as if we reserve our joy for the perfection at the end, one just might wonder if it was worth it!  If we patiently enjoy each step, every turning point, new insight, the entire process initiates freedom to discover with pleasure.   Our journey through life is the same progression.  We gain wisdom from every aspect, expanding and contracting and if we remain constant with our process absorbing the good, the bad, and the ugly along the way.  Progress is created through consistency.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Breaking Even ...

"In the midst of winter .... no matter how hard the world pushes against me,
within me, there's something stronger - better, pushing right back."
Albert Camus

For me, winter contained all of my negative emotions, darkness, and a sense of being restrained beyond my will; whereas summer was filled with positive emotions, expanding with the light and  emerging in water to free my soul.

I never cared how cold the temperature was as long as the sun would come out or I could warm myself by a fire.  In the cloister of winter months, my creativity tends to hone in on reading with intention to journal subjects beyond the written word.  It is a time for open thinking in meditation or visualization.  In the summer creativity includes: desire to water color;  absorb sounds and reflections while quietly walking or sitting in nature; and especially being by water to read and journal. 

I believe I feel heavier in the winter and hide my body in heavy clothing; whereas, in the summer I feel lighter and dress more decoratively.  Oddly, I would never give up my quilt, books, and fireplace in exchange for flowers, essence of water, nor imaging in playful other realms.  I believe I am balanced between winter winds and summer heat, as long as I am promised a beautiful long autumn!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Anticipating Arrival


"Imagination is everything.
It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
Albert Einstein

I find it regrettable to have taught my children to have expectations, rather than the concept of anticipation for unfolding ... leaving the results to the Universe or God rather than human imagination.  Our expectations can be far too low or a crippling high without at least inviting angels to be our imaginative counterparts.

It has taken the majority of my life to learn to place subtle endings or new beginnings into sacred hands.  For so long I pushed and shoved parts together that never belonged.  I gave too much of myself hoping to guarantee a particular outcome that never arrived.  The true path eventually unfolds whether we take the direct route or the difficult climb.

My wish to my children and now for my grandchildren would be to gather personal longings and gently bring them together using imagination as suggestions.  If we expose our composite to the heavenly host and trust that goodness will come, our life can unfold in the most artistic way.  It is going with the flow, having faith in our unique presence and anticipating the arrival of all we were meant to be.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Horror Spreads Across the Face

"All of a sudden you seemed
stranger than fiction to me."
Shillpi S Banerrji

The winter season invites us to indoor gatherings and contact with friends or family we may not have seen for a while. We might be surprised by how others have changed without surveying how much we have changed ourselves.  Life is filled with opportunities to be embraced for enhancement or ignored for complacent status.

Two friends who had been absent from each other for a few years arranged a meeting.  Although they kept in touch through social media, they both were yearning for a face to face update.  Both women had changed, they quickly realized and were no longer focused on the same goals.  The years of friendship, however, embraced the differences and applauded the advancement of each other. 

Aging friends need not match personal space nor diversity of interests.   We ask about them and listen with compassion to his or her journey whether we support it or not.  Listening without judgment allows the speaker to fully disclose the magic exploding in life.  We are meant to share and embrace, but we can use discretion when we see horror spread across his or her face.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Nature....The Journey With No End

"As daylight dawned, the sun rose once more,
And the journey back to the light began."
The Guardian of the Woods

Every morn the sun rises bringing warmth and brightness into a brand new day.  During that day, we may be drenched by rain or frozen with sleet, but it will be a day like no other.  The sun will fall from the sky allowing the moon and star to guide us with the promise of the sun to return tomorrow.  

We can compare life to the advancement of the bud on a tree ... it pushes itself out upon a limb; it flowers in spite of challenging weather; it ages; and then falls away. The roots remain strong and the tree stands ready to greet the buds again.   Is this not life and death?  

We lace our hiking boots and toss on our backpack as we climb the mountain before us.  There may be a pleasant fragrant breeze followed by a large boulder seemingly meant to abort our passage.  With physical courage and mental strategy we arrive on the other side .... arriving in a meadow filled with bliss.  Is this not encountering challenge followed by resolve?

Monday, January 6, 2020

Joy, Isolated and Pure

"A person's life purpose is nothing more than to rediscover,
through the detours of art or love or passionate work, 
those one or two images in the presence of which his
heart first opened."
Albert Camus

Our lives are much more cluttered and fast paced than the days of old.  So it may be more challenging to sift back through years of debris to determine the first time a certain emotion was experienced.  For a struggling new born, it may be a passion for life.  For a child left behind it may be a search for a sense of family and belonging.  The high schooler who was ostracized may spend his life searching for an identity that others would accept.  The college professor with all the letters behind his or her name may spend the remainder of life trying to prove his knowledge.

If we feel emotionally isolated masquerading as the happiest woman alive, the clashing belief system will charge a fee.  A young man denounced by family for his gift may hide it for years to come until a passageway is discovered for him to escape into his true identity.  

The first time I experienced joy will stand out in my mind forever.   A dear friend was up for an award and we both knew the odds of her being the winner were slim.  My mind was reeling with things to uplift her, but there it was .... she had won .... and this golden mist streamed out of my heart, body, and soul.  It sparkled and was pure.  This moment had absolutely nothing to do with me, and therefore it was totally experiencing an emotion, joy for some one else.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Ambiguity of the Moment

"Authenticity depends entirely on being faithful
to the essential ambiguity of experience."
John Berger

Bring to mind a favorite incident replayed in your mind or duplicated in life over and over again.  It could be a sled ride down a large park hill or a favorite movie watched every year or a hike up into the woods.  So whatever the incident, it is repeated mentally or physically, but it is never identical to the original experience.

Life experience changes us, our current emotional state rotates, and our surroundings bleed into the experience itself.  So a certain event, although still treasured, is never exactly the same.  Everything that occurs may be similar to passing years, but never identical. There may be a new babe gathered into the clan or the absence of an elder sadly witnessed.

The point of course is every moment offers us time to create a new memory or new experience, which will be authentic.  So even a 'repeat' or a 'do over' will never be exact.  So if you are gathered with family feeling isolated or sitting in solitude, know that you can change that experience.  We are all capable of shaping a moment to be different from the past ... this or something better!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Solitude through Shadows

"I will rather walk alone in the light
than to live in the dark."
Lailah Gifty Akita

When the word journey appears, one does not immediately visualize down town New York City nor a singular pilgrimage up Mount Kilimanjaro.    Everyone may have a different vision of a journey.  It is true we can meet each other during a journey, and journey together for a while, but ultimately we travel alone whether physically or spiritually.

The length of the journey can last multiple life times or in a single meditation or an elaborate dream.  The physical aspects of our surroundings may contribute to the total experience, but the journey itself has greater significance than our comprehension may absorb.

Our personal journeys can be challenging but they are opportunities to uncover our strengths, passions, and value.  It is a stretch in time to relate to our spiritual aspirations rather than our physical accumulations.  It often times calls for us to walk in solitude but the wick of our flame will be within us to help light the way.  To walk with my light in solitude through shadows will always be preferable to walking in the darkness ever again.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Find Your Red Rubber Band

"Today is a new chapter in the story of your life.
While you're holding the pen, what will you write?
Now, is your time to shine! Will you continue  
holding the pen or will you express yourself
from deep within?"
Amaka Imani Nkosazana

New Year's Resolutions abound.  They range from diet, to career, to relationships, to new locations, and personal development.  The newly charted course can be pages long or it can be a frozen thought in the midst of a dream.  

I have found selecting one word rather than a manifesto helps one to succeed.  Simplicity will help intentions to stay afloat rather than sinking to the bottom never again to be seen.  Break it down, look at the core, and discover what is the most singular thought on the bottom of the pile?  Then determine simple ways to keep that thought in front of you all of the time.

I had a college friend who wore a red rubber band on his wrist 24/7.  I never saw him without it whether he was in class, playing in a basketball tournament or being crowned homecoming king.  He claimed that every time his focus began to slip, he would instantly snap the rubber band.  He said he had been doing it for years and it worked ... for him. What will work for you?

Thursday, January 2, 2020

What Lies Beneath Self Judgment

"When you look at your passions, your interests, and your own self, 
and see nothing of worth, then know that life will feed this belief back to you. 
If you can find a way to value yourself without exerting your will or 
your effort anymore,  you will find that you need to do less, to shine more."
Kelly Martin

If life has been anyone's but your own, it is time to reclaim it.  One must do this little by little, gaining momentum to create a life you feel value and acceptance.  Several words can get you through this New Year such as:  choice, dig in, discard, and value.

So many of us are stuck in such a self made quagmire, we no longer remember we have choice.  We may not have a grand selection, but we can choose one increment at a time.  Careful choice allows us to dig in to what is truly buried under our own judgment.  We can discover parts of the self that never meant anything to anyone else, but were actually routes to your heart's desire.  Our attitude lifts as we discard debris that has clouded our decision making for years.  Gems are uncovered reminding us of our value and areas where we could satisfy our dreams.

Life follows your lead.  If you want to live in shit, then the Universe will provide.  If you project positive options for your future, life will gladly lead the way.  The more of your self contributed, the easier it is to follow and attract the lighted path of your journey..

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Filtering the Good into 2020

"May Light and Love and all that's good,
take place today as it should."
Lee Bice Matheson

New Years Day is exactly that ... a pristine space of time beginning a journey into a long line of more new days.  I wonder how long we could maintain a focus such as this and what kind of impact it would have upon our progress forward.

In my mind, such as it is, there is a gauzy adjustable veil that I can secure to the side this morning, filtering out negativity from last year.  My positive intentions filter through to pick up momentum in the days to come.  There is a room to the left with collages of creative ideas and inspiring writings to replace any lingering criticism.  To the right is another room containing majestic bliss and sacred oneness where I can become lost in ecstasy.

In the middle of my mind are listed prompts to serve, live in compassion, forgive thy self, and trust in the oneness of the world.  Looking forward I see the world in all aspects, but gravitate towards the growing good.  The circle of light opens and beckons me in to sustain the good for all.