Monday, October 15, 2018

Snap Shot

"When you see things that pain you,
that sadden you, or that make your
heart ache, remember ... you're not seeing it all.
The Universe

In a theater, we sit in an audience, viewing the actions of the players and listening to the rehearsed lines.  We do not see the hours of labor poured into  acquiring costumes and painting the backdrops.  We do not have an awareness of how long the producer worked on condensing a book into a play. Nor are we cognizant of the struggles of the author who wrote the book.

The same is true with life.  We generally use a narrow focus in observing others, creating a  perception that may not include the challenge, loss and sacrifice.  It is when we consciously use a wider lens that we gain a sense of the whole, not just the snap shot.

In a state of sorrow, it is difficult to conjure up visions of joy and freedom.  When we are celebrating, little thought is given to the previous investment of time, money, and solitude. To maintain equilibrium, we can remain mindful change is continuously altering our reality from up to down or dark to light.  Rarely do we perceive the depth of the entire picture.  

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