Sunday, January 7, 2018

Socks on the Line

"The splendid thing about falling apart silently...
is that you can start over as many times as you like."
Sanober Khan

We are like mismatched socks hanging on a line.  We see one side, not being aware of the other side.  The side we hide has snags or holes and unravel frequently.  How different life would be if we felt it were acceptable to show both sides and be accepted.

When we fall apart silently, others do not have the opportunity to be present with us. Frequently withdrawing into isolation, we believe we are the only ones suffering or making mistakes.  Mentors or trusted friends may never be aware of the challenges we face.

It is not in our best interest to blabber our intimate details across a broad spectrum, but we often heal more thoroughly when shared with those we trust.  We begin to realize we all have struggles.  Like socks, we may be different, but we all have the ability to mend and bring warmth.

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