Thursday, March 8, 2012

Be a Beginner ...

Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.

--Meister Eckhart

This morning as I was waking up, I was delighted to see the sun shining.  Darkness had carried away the storms of the night, calmed the winds and grumblings in the sky.  I could hear the birds celebrating the spring like morning while anticipating the warmth of a sunny afternoon.  As my eyes adjusted, I noticed in the back area of the yard a bush opening its newly sprouted leaves.  Spring Equinox is just a few days away and I long for the winter to pass so a new season can begin.

As I continue gazing out my bedroom window, I notice my neighbor with his garden tools.  He is working the ground and planning where his vegetables and flowers will grow.  It seems that he is excited for this new season of growth and eager for the rewards. The neighbor on the other side is spreading grass seed in his yard.  He, too, has anticipation for the arrival of spring. New beginnings are just that way.

Realizing I am probably the only one on the block still in bed, I drag myself up and indulge in my first cup of coffee.  I sit on the back porch breathing in the fresh morning air and allowing the sun to warm my pale white feet.  I know I will hunt for my sandals today and begin the transition of putting away heavy clothes and dragging out spring delights.

With birds singing in the background and the sounds of neighbors tinkering in their yards, I open my awareness in hopes of collecting morning inspiration.  I breathe in fresh air and slowly breathe out heaviness.  Three times I do this before I feel my body relax and my heart open.  My mind finally quiets and I can miraculously blend with all that surrounds me.

Winter is very symbolic for me.  It represents my tendency to hibernate and withdraw.  It has been cold almost harsh at times with struggle and challenge at my door.  In seclusion, I am forced to review what resides within waiting to be discarded or refurbished.  It is necessary and yet painful at times to make way for the new by letting go of the old.  What may have seemed dark and damaged in the darkness of winter, however, may now appear bright and beautiful in the warm sunshine and rain.  Rain will come and cleanse emotions, preparing me for the new growth of each beginning day.  

I will once again be a beginner this spring, embracing as much as I can.  I promise to trust in the unfolding of life and have faith.  In the summer I will tolerate any heat tending to wilt my spirit, and remain eager to discover the fruits of my labor come fall.  


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