Sunday, September 18, 2022

Loitering No More


"If pain must come, may it come quickly."
Paulo Coelho

Let there be no more loitering during emotional upheavals.  No stretching out pain longer than it needs to be.  If it is a matter of letting go, then do that ...  let go.  When there is absence of destination, then take action.   Do not extend this thing named pain.

There is pain in separation, endings, and memories. Pain is often the underbelly of unspoken truths, desires and dreams. It holds us captive, keeps us small, and clouds judgment.  This sense of pain, as we loiter, we drift farther from where we are meant to be.

And where are we meant to be?  Certainly not loitering in pain! We cannot dodge pain, but we can see it coming and adjust our course.  In spite of said pain, muster the courage to move through it without repressing.  Rise above it, disallowing it to control forward movement.

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