Saturday, March 5, 2011

Meeting in the Middle

When I was in elementary school, my best friend lived eight city blocks away.  Whenever we spent time together, we walked exactly four blocks a piece;  however,  the significance of meeting in the middle was never really about the exact location as much as it was about the emotional connection.

In time, I learned that meeting in the middle seldom meant half way.  It was simply a reference point that could be shifted most anywhere and agreed upon even if it were lopsided favoring one and not so much the other.  'Meeting in the Middle' grew into a loving term, like being in the middle with your family surrounding you or being in the middle of your life with adventure awaiting. 

When my daughter was in college, we frequently found ourselves meeting in the middle, dividing a few hours in half to enjoy lunch or time talking together.  After college graduation, meeting in the middle meant spending a night and sharing a motel room as the distance grew farther.  While working on her doctorate, meeting in the middle was impossible, but still very important to us.  She would laugh and ask, "Are we meeting in the middle?"  She knew I would drive all of the way.

The concept of meeting in the middle continues to evolve. College roommates, retired professionals, friends who have moved away, still meet me in the middle, except it is no longer a travel destination, but a mailbox on line. 

Meeting in the middle increases in meaning for me.  It refers to sitting in silence and going within to listen for guidance, to discover wisdom and to find my true self ... meeting in the middle!

"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man.  It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity.  It is the middle ground between flight and shadow, between science and superstition."  Rod Sterling

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