Thursday, November 29, 2012

Enhanced Life Experience

If you realized how powerful your thoughts are,
you would never think a negative thought.

Peace Pilgrim

Masaru Emoto, a Japanese author, conducted research into the negative and positive aspects in water.  Positive energy was given to a water sample and then frozen.  Negative energy was given to a water sample and then frozen.  Upon studying the results, the water crystals from the positive energy were indeed beautiful while the water crystals from the negative water sample were dark and distorted. (Please google Masaru Emoto for accurate study pictures, procedures and developments.) 

The human body contains anywhere from 65 to 80% of water, depending upon the studies available.  The brain itself stores a large content of water.  So if both positive and negative energies impact water, to what degree does our negative thinking have upon our personal human experience?

So if we place our selves in a negative environment and silently criticize our selves in our head, how would we compare with others who remain in a supportive environment and maintain high self-esteem?  We have much more control over our environment, our mental and physical health than we realize.

If we would only monitor our selves, be aware of how we are feeling in any given moment, and remain in the present moment, we would notice a spectacular difference in our selves and those surrounding us.  We need to be more responsible in accepting the appropriate care we need to maintain a level of "higher self" for an enhanced life experience.

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