Sunday, September 16, 2012

Triangles ...

The triangle also has the power of protection.
"You are safe and are being protected."

Denise Linn
Author and Healer


If I had to choose the most predominant symbol in my life, it would definitely be the triangle.  I did not realize how prevalent it was for me until a friend brought to my attention how triangles were throughout my recently refurbished country home.  I had used wallpaper with triangles in the background, borders with triangles as part of the pattern, and even the square tile back splash in the kitchen had been deliberately turned to be in triangle formation as well as the tile on the bathroom floor.  Although I had chosen all of these things, I was not aware of the constant triangular patterns.

This interested me so much, I started paying more attention to designs and patterns.  It was almost comical how triangles popped up everywhere and anywhere.  For years, I had been recording my dreams in journals. I 'harvested' my journals and sure enough, the symbol of the triangle was frequently mentioned in my recordings.  Looking back to the years when I quilted, once again I found triangles sewn by my own hand.  I was intrigued.

In her book THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF SIGNS, Denise Linn makes the following comments about the triangle symbol:

~holds the power of integration through the trinity of body, mind and spirit.; past, present, and future
~embodies the power of the pyramids
~active symbol for spirit and aspiring to higher realms

She further states, "Two triangles - one in the normal position and one inverted and superimposed on the first - form a six pointed star (called Solomon's Seal) that is a symbol for the human soul."

We all have symbols in our lives, but we are not always paying attention to them.  Just for fun, we can begin to pay attention to what surrounds us, presents itself repeatedly, and what is in our dreams.  The symbol can be a tree, a number, a shape or a person.  When we explore the symbols in our lives, we gain more meaning and awareness of synchronicity!

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