Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Intuition And Integrity

"If your heart is involved in your interpretation of other
people, other things, you can discern and you can
be in your sovereignty."
Lee Harris

As our intuition grows, we become highly sensitive to the behaviors of others. We begin to pick up on someone's discomfort or ease, anger or joy, and resistance or engagement. Do not be surprised, however, if we mention what we have just picked up on and the person does not relate. They may not be aware of it, as of yet.

When we begin to utilize our strong sense of knowing, we need to be governed by our heart. The insights we gain need to be handled with discretion and tender loving care. Just because we gain information, does not mean it should be openly discussed. We may pick up on feelings that have yet to surface, and addressing them would be premature.

All in good time, revelations unfold. With intuitive information, integrity is required. If we sense a foreboding, we can simply make greater effort to be present rather than redirecting what we sense if unfolding. When we come from our heart center, our intentions will remain for the highest good, not personal gain.

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