Saturday, October 31, 2020

American Costume of Unity


"Could America go as a united country
for Halloween this year?"
Carmine Savastano

Trick or treating as a small child and dressing my children in disguises are memories not as lively as the ones with my lady friends dressed to the hilt of witchery.  Halloween brings concerns about the weather and questioning if there is enough candy in the house for  all of the door bell ringers.

This year Halloween has been altered in ways impacting both children and adults.  It seems there is more fear in the heads of adults about reality than in the make believe images of child's play. Worrying about an overdose of sugar feels pretty mundane compared to the risk of exposing the self to the virus.

"Could America go as a united country for Halloween this year?" questions Carmine Savastano.  What a grand idea!  Could we just fake it to give our lovely selves a sense of being humanly related to each other?  We would't have to hug or sing songs, but if we stood side by side, not touching, just breathing, perhaps we could feel a sense of beginning once again on the same page!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Projecting an Image


"Food really is medicine, and your body
responds with energy and vitality
when you treat it well.
Rosie Molinary

With Halloween quickly approaching, there is an abundance of candy streaming into the possession of both young and adult.  Sugar can be highly addictive so in spite of our personal goals, chances are good that we will over extend what we intended to consume.  There are those who will respond with hyper activity, bouncing off the walls in response to the sugar while others blood sugar drops bringing sadness, sleep, and digestive problems.  

We monitor our body, mind and soul, but we must in addition secure time for physical exercise, rest and nurturing.  The body is a well run machine if we deliberately respond to maintenance.  We are responsible for the process of feeding, digesting, and processing, both physically and emotionally.

There is a direct correlation between what we eat, physical up keep, and the state of our mind.  Each impacts the other, so we must hold our lovely selves accountable for the overall quality of life.  Our energy is best used in fine tuning our bodies, rather than desperately attempting to project a certain image.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Spiritual Warrior Called to Action

"One has to beckon the spiritual warrior inside oneself whenever it is
deemed necessary for the task at hand.  Courage is the fuel. Healing is the direction.  
Forgiveness is the balm. Love is the atmosphere Divine"
Donna Goddard

A Spiritual Warrior has nothing to do with physical power and everything to do with being present in spite of fear,  He or she does not hide their passion, dedication, and scars, but nor do they aggressively attack others.  They face the world with their true nature and open heart.

The Spiritual Warrior suffers through the broken heart as that is the way enlightenment enters.  He or she approaches with forgiveness and courage.  The outcome is not about winning, but rather learning and healing.

A Spiritual Warrior is present on the path, not hiding. He or she is walking a balance of masculine and feminine. They are at home traveling in their space ready to witness the challenges of others so they can experience life together.  The Spiritual Path calls us forth to blend, learn, and bend through engaging when the small voice within calls us to action.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Gender on a Spectrum


"Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive.
Both men and women should feel free to be strong ...
it is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum 
not as two opposing sets of ideas."
Emma Watson

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Best Approach to Life ...

"Whoever is still and inflexible is a
disciple of death. Whoever is yielding
is a disciple of life."

Austrian poet, Rainer Manier Wilke, reflected in his writing the importance of unfolding ourselves to discover a fuller life, encouraging us to never to leave parts of the self in creases.  Lao-tzu states that the hard and stiff will be broken while the flexible will prevail.  Mark Nepo shares that resistance only makes things worse.

Clouds floating through the sky or the gentle pace of streaming water perhaps portrays the best approach to life.  The persistence of life will overcome resistance, leaving damage in its quake. No longer hidden by avoidance or denial, we can face head on what is coming and move through it best that we can.  We can savor the good and discard whatever is not a part of our lesson.

Mark Nepo encourages us to 'lean in' to our experiences for nurturing and wisdom.  He suggests we do not try to save everything, but to continue to let the stream float through us. In our hearts we know resistance complicates the challenge.  Let us choose wisely using an openness that may cause reparable harm, but not devastate.   (Mark Nepo:  THE BOOK OF AWAKENING)


Monday, October 26, 2020

Stemming from the Soul

"Knowing and owning our personal
definitions of beauty is an essential step
in celebrating one's own brilliance."
Rosie Molinary

While attending a private college prep academy, I was exposed to wealthier life styles unfamiliar to my family.  There were beautiful homes, beautiful people, beautiful clothes, beautiful vacation homes, beautiful jewelry, etc...  After a while, my sense of beautiful began to be created in very different ways.

My appreciation for nature drew my attention to the beauty of swaying trees, blooming flowers and moving water.  The animation found especially in the faces of little children became beautiful as well. The depth of the written word broadened my concept of a deeper love as did the opening of the hearts of people I chose to love.

As the pace of my life slows down, my attention lingers longer on certain things of beauty ... the dark sky with brilliant stars and the passing of the moon.  Most importantly, however, I find beauty in the radiance of light brimming from the depths of human eyes.  Nothing brings me more joy than witnessing this inner beauty stemming from the soul.


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Experiencing the Essence

"Life is richer than we dream.
Life is eternal. Life does not die."
Our beloveds change their form."
Julia Cameron

Life after death or life prior to this incarnation are concepts that continue to be explored and expanded.  Julia Cameron, for example, believes, "Our beloveds change their form, but not their essence.  They continue to hold us dear and to touch our lives."

When we leave our lovely selves open, we may become delighted by what we see or experience.  There is a broad range of documentation regarding this subject.  Some people will catch a glimpse or image, mystical in nature, impacting every cell in the living body.  Others may hear voices or simply feel the presence of the lost loved one.  We may be visited routinely by an animal symbolizing the one who is missing.

As a human being, we have a right to freedom so if we are wanting communication with the spiritual world, we must first invite them in and welcome them.  Spiritual entities with our best interest at heart, cannot help us unless invited to do so.  Experiment with those on the other side.  Invite them into dreams, to join in a walk in his or her favorite park, or simply sit alone opening the heart and mind to what may enter.

******* Authors on Death and Dying; Life Before Life; After Life; Soul Mates
              Elizabeth Kubler Ross, Swiss-American Psychiatrist
              Helen Wambach
              Edgar Cayce
              Raymond A. Moody, Jr. M.D.
              Dr. Brian Weiss
              Michael Newton, Ph.D.
              Jess Stearn

There are numerous writers of old and new stock that are worthy of reading.  Famous quotes of death and dying are endless.


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Specialty Grab Bag


The year of 2020 has facilitated change in numerous aspects of our lives.  This has triggered various responses, some made in haste while others made in fear.  As months go by, we have may have grown bored or annoyed by pressing restrictions, stirring unrest and dissatisfaction.

We waste time brooding with resentment, when we could just take a moment to reassess.  A person can glance back through a journal and notice entries where more time was wished for ... and what would have been the follow through?  

Ultimately, we have no control over the present situation of the world, but we do have choice when it comes to our personal life.  Think of something productive thoroughly enjoyed and activates a skill as well as the sense of giving. Bake to the extreme. place in small packages, then deliver to homeless.  Grab small baggies and create a kit, filling them with loitering hotel shampoo bottles, lotion and soap.  Insert backup toothbrushes and a travel size toothpaste.  Pass along stored cotton or tampax.  Carry a case of bottled water in the car, and pass along as need appears.  There are numerous small ways.  Get creative and concoct a specialty grab bag!


Friday, October 23, 2020

Selecting Moments

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths
we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
Maya Angelou

This morning out on the covered back porch, I followed my morning routine.  While listening to the rain falling, I read from ancient scriptures, current mentors, and scanned an old journal.  Pieces of emotion and wisps of memories formed a positive aspect of how I would greet my day.

Choosing to ignore the negative of the world, I began to fill my day with thoughts of 'sisters of my heart'.
As I did chores, I thought of the laughter in our gathered circles of women and the tears allowed to be freely shed.  I gave thanks to the mentors who intercepted my spirals and encouraged independent ways.

Later I gloried in the love of my grandchildren and when I retired for the day, my numerous pillows and blanket comforted me.  In the still of the night with my little candle casting shadows, past visualizations returned to me connecting me to all there is.  Life is good and I am so blessed!


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Engaging in Pleasure

"Too many women feel like they are unworthy of enjoying themselves.
Instead, they wait, giving themselves goals to achieve before they can
engage in something pleasurable."
Rosie Molinary

Perhaps it was the parenting style when we were children that taught us the concept of 'business before pleasure'.  In our youth, if we requested something, we were given a list of tasks to complete before an answer would be considered.  Nothing was for free, everything must be earned with hard work.

Now as adults, many women struggle with rewarding themselves.  The mind set tends to be meet the needs of the family prior to personal luxury.  This may be true if we are considering a new home or a new car, but in the normal sense, women generally are wishing for minutes alone in the tub or an earlier bed time to allow time for quiet reading.

When we come to recognize our worthiness, we see the importance of restoring our body, mind, and spirit so that we can serve from a source of wholeness.  Instead of resentment or bitterness, we experience giving with a sense of joy.  When the source is nurtured, there are deeper exchanges within the family unit.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Stir the Joy


"But so many of us check whether we have power 
with the main switch off ... the switch being risk,
curiosity, passion and love."
Mark Nepo

As parents or mentors, we seem to be honoring the individual gifts innocently displayed when children are still quite young.  As peers, we are no longer discouraging unique strengths or forcing individuals onto family business or parental choice.  There seems to be more tolerance to let individuality unfold.

Adults, who were raised differently, are often unaware of talents beneath the surface as they have never been encouraged to explore them.  Lacking clarity or failure of recognition, we do not feel we are in possession of anything particularly special.

Once unearthed, our gift, no matter how big or how small, joins our connection with spirit and contributes to a greater sense of being and doing.  To activate our strength whether in gardening or shoveling, we bring an uplifting sense of being whole.  It stirs joy within us helping us to feel more whole.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Remove Prickly Defenses

"If God had to build a door,
it's because we erected a wall."
Craig D. Lounsbrough

In childhood, we may have experienced the sense of being inappropriately exposed rather than protected by others.  When this happens, we heavily depend upon our masculine side, projecting it as a wall in order to protect our sensitive feminine side.  Sadly, this is often required in order to survive.

As we grow older, however, we no longer need this layer of protection.  Our inner child can be deliberately comforted to feel safe as we as an adult can weave our way through circumstances.  So our masculine side (aggressive) and our feminine side (sensitive) can be finally balanced as we use our voice to project our preferences objections.

If we do not equally balance our lovely selves, our layer of protection will not only protect us from unsafe scenarios, but from healthy positive ones at all.  We inadvertently wall off both the good and the harmful.  When we remove our prickly defenses we do run the risk of harm or pain to the heart, but this is a part of life, not punishment or rath.  We learn and continue to move forward strengthening our voice with united elements of physical and emotional strength.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Backslide on a Slippery Slope


"Life is ten percent what you experience and
ninety percent how you respond to it."
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer

As a person extends themselves, they become aware of lessons repeating themselves.  If we catch on in time, perhaps we can side step or adjust behavior to avoid the experience of pain or challenge or sense of failure.  The patterns may change, but the basic challenge remains.

As one becomes aware of being midstream in an old pattern, if we are balanced, we can react in a positive manner.  If we, however, are caught in a moment where we feel hopeless, we may knowingly repeat the negative behavior.

We backslide down the slippery slope, not surprised, but embarrassed by the foolishness of our own deliberate choices.  We suffer the pain of our chosen actions and the desire to return to a more positive mindset of living.  When we hold our lovely selves accountable, we will choose actions assisting us forward to a more compatible state of affairs.


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Seek Fanciful Distractions

"One day, you will wake up and there won't be
any more time to do the things you've 
always wanted to do."
Paulo Coelho

Glancing back over the years of my life, I am amazed at the compiled adventures I have participated in alone or small groups.  Nothing in the vein of protesting, but rather all things stemming from my love of nature.  The gift of joy resonating through my heart to heal my broken places.

I found making extensive plans  got in the way or side tracked an entire event.  It seemed best to follow the heart and take advantage of what opportunities seemingly came out of no where.  When plans fall  together quickly, there is little time for fear to negate the plan.

Over time, it becomes quite clear that participation frequently depends upon mind over matter.  Not to encourage impulsive actions, but to take advantage of the veils opening and offering a vision quest.  Whether wading through a cold stream or leaning against an ancient boulder or getting lost in the flames of a fire, there is magic to be experienced.  Please, just sit in a favorite chair, gently close the eyes, and unleash the mind to seek fanciful distractions.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Embers in the Heart

"Despite gravity, against gravity, in counter point to the 
weight of the world, a glowing heat that can be blocked
but not contained emanates through all beings as love, 
thought, longing, and peace."
Mark Nepo

It doesn't matter which way we turn our head, as there is something negative appearing every where.  The climate, violence, racial tensions, political dramas, and various other dark issues are repetitively splayed before us.  It would seem to be apparent then, that we turn inward to find our strength and passion to carry us forward.

It doesn't matter what we view or read, as it is not representative of everyone's stance.  We have no way of knowing if something is true or false, except when we gaze inside to find balance in the midst of turmoil. The peaceful action of prayer or reaching out in kindness helps to move us all forward in a positive way.

Singularly, we can stop the devastation in the world, but we can contribute our small acts to be joined by the small acts of others to build a positive force.  Those in high places may be able to learn or participate in major decisions, but the smaller decisions tend to be left to our compassionate hearts.  Do not simply withdraw or isolate.  Gather the embers of the passion in our heart and stoke a fire that will support our hopes and dreams and the preservation of others.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Sarcasm or Kindness


"Any hand can condemn, but it takes a
helping hand to build."
Nate Spears

There is too much time being spent on judging and critiquing, as time needs to be spent on helping with change.  Our actions aught not be about pointing fingers.  Our hands need to reach out and ask how one can help.  
It is overwhelming to learn of stories of those who have very little helping those who have even less.  We all have something to give whether tangible or not.  If we truly want change, meaning a kinder world, we need to initiate a detour from the negative actions.
Instead of criticizing, we need to get out of our victim's seat and take action, no matter how small.  Stop asking, "How can I help," and start observing what needs to be done.  The unnoticed actions shift positive energy into the direction we desire to go.  Actions speak louder than sarcasm.  

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Highly Difficult Passage

"In my experience, people who have been hurt either
pass it on and become abusive themselves or
they develop a great kindness."
Louise Penny,  STILL LIFE

Social histories reflect a child from an alcoholic family is likely to choose a partner who is alcoholic.  The same is true for domestic violence.  The child who grew up with physical aggressiveness may reflect aggression themselves or choose a violent partner.  Even if we abhor certain behaviors, we very well may need assistance in shifting what remains hidden within.

We all have choices, but they cannot be made until we acknowledge the presence of what needs to be unlearned.  We have patterns running through our life that often are over looked or ignored.  Repetition continues until the lesson is so harsh we are forced to face reality.

Our ego deceives us, and it is easier to 'go along' than to muster the courage to face the obvious need for change.  Whether unhealthy eating habits, hoarding, or promiscuity, we first must stop listening to the voice of ego telling us we are okay.  It takes courage and determination to change and it is a highly difficult passage; but at the end, we see life anew.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur
when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled."
M Scott Peck

Human nature will not budge until we are bound too tightly physically or emotionally.  We do not strike out until we can no longer bare the situation we find our lovely selves in.  Our angst becomes fuel for the fire to project us towards movement rather than complacent stagnation.

We finally tire of being held in place, disrespected, ignored or deprived of healthy support.  The feelings of being too much or too little no longer sedate us into a lack of transition.  In spite of our self-imagined limitations, we stray out onto an unfamiliar path.  We become determined to discover what works best for us, in our personal opinion.

In 1978, M. Scott Peck authored THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED which was based on his experience as a psychiatrist and his religious beliefs.  This book was a fore runner encouraging a person to be disciplined and delay gratification, while accepting responsibility for life. In his opinion, learning to balance emotional, spiritual, and psychological health supports needed transitional movement.  This book was very pivotal in my life as it encouraged strides onto paths not commonly traveled.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Embrace the Unknown

"If you engage in your world with anything less than purpose,
You will be engulfed by that which surrounds you."
Lujan Matus

If our agendas are too rigid, we overlook the beauty innocently patterned around us.  If we do not have any outline, we are too easily distracted and become lost in scenery.  We may not truly know what our purpose is and it may even change from year to year.  The importance is to move forward listening for direction and ingesting the beauty.

We need a strong enough sense of self to discern if an opportunity will enhance or distract us.  Prepare to be challenged, but ready the self with confidence and not fear.  When we realize we are here to learn, to share, and to strengthen, be willing to move forward without having all of the answers.

Ironically, it is through our mistakes that we learn our highest lessons, so it is pointless to endlessly berate the self for making them.  Life is a learning process that extends throughout all of the years, kindling change when we are open and eager to embrace the unknown.


Monday, October 12, 2020

Suppressed Issues

"The emotional trigger that begins an argument may have little
to do with your present situation, but has dug up a wound.
Madisyn Taylor

On occasion, we may find our lovely selves reacting over zealously to a situation with a force building inside.  Accompanying our physical response, unrelated emotions may be forging to the foreground.  It is as though someone has pushed a button and we are not responding, but reacting.

We can take a deep breath and do a quick inner search, asking what is truly going on.  When we experience a 'knee jerk' reaction with feelings of losing control, we can be fairly certain that we are experiencing an inappropriate response.  We may be playing out a role from an entirely different performance.

Are we deliberately creating drama in our lives?  Do we hope to gain recognition through our negative behavior?  Stand back.  Take a breath. Do a self-inventory of what is really happening.  Apologize for the over reaction, having compassion for unhealed issues.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

All Things Being One


"Amazingly, there is great insight in children.
And great innocence."
Mark Nepo

In  THE BOOK OF AWAKENING, author Mark Nepo shares a story of his godson who was twirling and spinning in circles and exclaimed, "If you run too fast, you can't tell what is real!"  Nepo states, "We spend our lives trying to regain that treasured state, where being and doing are inseparably one."

As adults, we tend to divide our day into  several areas where we are doing, hoping to find at least one segment where we can just be.  Children, on the other hand, tend to have a better system of blending work with play.  It is an error to choose which one we feel more comfortable, while ignoring the other.  Mark Nepo encourages us "to develop a state where doing and being are inseparably one."

It is fun to explore ways to blend the energies of work and play to make our life style more fluid.  Through work we extend our energy; whereas, it is through play that we bring in fresh energy.  To create a balance between the energies will provide us with a happier life style.  If uncertain, stand and twirl in place, throwing your head back with arms stretched out.  When stopped, we experience the sense of all things being one.


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Whether Calm or Storm

"There are some things you learn best in calm,
and some in storm."
Willa Cather

It would be lovely to be a monk studying in a cave or painting nature on an island.  There is much to be said about our ability to learn dependent upon our environment.  There are  diverse ways to learn and we all do not use the same tools.

Individuals depend upon varying aspects of learning such as verbal, visual, physical, mental, and social.  Our mentor or teacher plays a huge role in our learning as well. The element of time or passion plays into the equation as well.

It is most interesting to me, however, that although I love to learn in calm settings, the hardest lessons have been learned and repeated in very harsh ways.  We must diligently seek the difficult message at hand without being distracted by the emotions of ourselves or others. Lesson and motivation are key.

Friday, October 9, 2020

From Shame to Celebration

"The more alert and sensitive we are to our own needs,
the more loving and generous we can be toward others."
Eda LeShan

In my generation, I have experienced shame of self-nurturing transition into a celebration of kindling our souls.  No longer is selfishness attached to caring for the body, mind and soul.  The results, of course are expansive.

We now know the better we take care of our lovely selves, the kinder we will treat others.  If we are in a healthy place, we will offer the same to others.  There is a tendency to feel better about the self and the beautiful world we live in.

When we embrace our self-worth and express it in our unique way, internally, our value becomes more apparent.  With the mindset of bearing gifts to others, our mindset is trained to focus on the positive which strengths our body, mind, and soul. There is a greater resistance created towards depression and isolation.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Discovery of Windows

"I discovered windows one afternoon, 
and after that,
nothing was ever the same."
Anne Spollen

Childhood was spent in a Chicago apartment building on the near north side. The large flat offered many windows which I took for granted, but deeply appreciated.  It was fun to peer down upon a pedestrian walking by and silently observe them, as I ran from one window to the next.  I admit to being an intent observer of unknowing humans.

My open bedroom window brought in the fragrances of the lilac bushes growing just the other side of the screen. In the distance I could see the night lights from Thillens Little League Baseball Park and hear the roar of the fans.

The small nine window panes patterned in the top of the back door often exposed a darkness or gloom of undetected motion  I would feel a cold  draft  as I pushed my young body against the door.  Placing my face against the glass, I detected a warmth from the window as though it were present just for me.  In my heart I knew that God simply designed angels to shape shift to safely release the loneliness of a child.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Master Spinner or Merry-Go-Round Ace




"... turning the side of me to others that they could understand, spinning the aspects of my true self like a lazy Susan, offering only what others wanted or needed or felt most comfortable with." Mark Nepo

We become masters of spinning as we learn to anticipate what every situation calls for when we strive to meet the expectations of others. It feels unbelievably gratifying to be the giver to all who need. 

Unfortunately, as we spin, the deepest aspects of our lovely selves gravitate inwards becoming hidden from others and eventually from our selves.  The cost of exposing only what others will accept begins to snuff out our inner spirit. Although displaying honest parts of the self, they were not the heart of personal beliefs nor values.

If we navigate through life exposing only what we feel others want to see, we deflower our essence, reduce our unique power, and create crevices of fear.  It is a harsh reality to recognize and accept our entire GPS led us away from growth that would have nurtured us and taught us to fly.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

If Not You ... Who Are You?

Unconditional love means maintaining a commitment 
that no condition will keep us from bringing all who we
are to each other honestly."
Mark Nepo

Unconditional love is not about allowing others to treat us badly whether physical or emotional.  It is unavoidable to hurt each others feelings from time to time, but it is an opportunity to forgive and bring us closer together.  It is also about being honest about what we are thinking or how we are presenting ourselves.

Unconditional love is being committed to who we are and not being deceptive. If our behavior creates disharmony, we must be accountable for what we have unconsciously or consciously done. If we do not expose who we truly are to those we love, how will we ever know if they are loving what we falsely project or what is hidden beneath?

Intimacy (In-to-me-you-see) aught not be based on false representation.  The object of self-disclosure is honoring the self and hoping we will be loved, scars and all.  Hiding is similar to a lying as it continues to grow and move people farther apart not together.  In true relationship, we ask to be accepted as we are not as how the world wishes us to be.


Monday, October 5, 2020

The Comfort of a Crazy Quilt

"In truth, there is no point to holding on to the deepest things 
that matter, for they have already shaped us."
Mark Nepo

In the quiet of the night, I stitch segments of my life together as though I were making a quilt.  I lay it upon my lap and recall which each piece represents.  It is curious to me how the blocks are hand stitched, and most of them are quite irregular.  My life resembles a Crazy Quilt.

Even though each quilt piece was intended to be an original, I now notice how closely some resemble each other.  Undoubtedly repeated lessons.  I savor the unique sections which were Divinely blessed, and find myself restitching where the binding has worn thin.

Glancing at a few tear stained pieces, I remember feelings of failure, humiliation and darkness; but, now from a distance, I can see where these, too, helped to shape me into who I am today. Yes, my life may reflect a tattered old quilt, but it continues to comfort, embrace and hold me in the darkest of night.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Insults of Others

"Told her it wasn't art.  It was an embarrassment.
They told her never to ever show anyone her scrawls."
Louise Penny 

Once upon a time, there were young ones who would talk to the stars and hear whispers in the winds.  If they shared what they saw and heard, adults would tell them to stop making up stories.  Both adults and children would laugh at the exaggerated imaginations assuming they were just to gain attention.

As these weird children grew, they learned to commune privately and as life expanded so did kindred spirits.  Unfortunately, they were called witches and when the name calling did not curtail activities, false rumors of devil worship were attached to the activities.  Fear of the unknown, need to control strong women, they were burned at the stake.

Human beings are born into this world with a unique gift and how deeply it will flourish depends upon how it is nurtured, respected, and encouraged.  Whether artist or scientist, brilliant imaginations have been laughed at and ridiculed.  We are each responsible for safe passage of our offering to this world.  Let us listen to our hearts and please the Divine, rather than taking to heart the insults of others.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Treasures Within ...

"Shine your light into the darkness and
you'll find lost treasure."
Dee Waldeck

We all harbor creativity, but not every ship sails.  There are some who remain docked, never to experience the freedom of the sea, while others may run ashore, devastated by unsuspecting blow hards.  The truly sad vessels have never been able to display creative expression as it remains stowed beneath a seat unprotected from rain, wind and sorrow.

Within the core of our being, not only do we develop self-concepts, but our worth as well.  Once created, we must continuously feed our lovely selves with affirmations and diligence to continue forward.   We have the right to respect what we produce, even if we must hold it close to our vest.

The artist within must seek the means to express what dwells in his or her heart, mind, and spirit.  The evolving process helps to shape us into who we were always meant to be.  The end result is similar to a treasure map of the life we have seen.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Dare to be Powerful

"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength 
in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and 
less important whether I am afraid."
Audre Lorde

We get trapped in a negative way of perceiving the world.  Out of fear, impressions from what we see or hear are heightened and replayed within our crumbling foundations.  We become scared for not only our own survival, but the survival of the world itself.

Today, I dare us to take our power back and readjust our concepts of our intimate existence in addition to our worldly presence.  In our mind, we can carve away fear tactics and questionable reporting meant to keep us off balance. 

Our every day world has been reduced and restricted, so we are going to get busy and creatively reconstruct beauty with what is now available.  When we place both hands on our heart, we can reconnect with goodness and light which will show us our way.  With new appreciation for what we do have, we can create a life rich in positive affirmation with a higher purpose.  

Thursday, October 1, 2020

From A Distance

"To be near something beautiful or precious, but to be unable 
to experience it is the subtlest possible form of torture."
Robert Johnson

From a distance, I watch neighbors tending to their flower beds and trimming lawns.  I miss conversations about the variety of flowers they have chosen to grow.  Friendly waves from across the street is the best to be done for now.

From a distance, I watch my dreams turn from spiritual flights of fantasy to exhausting scenarios of aligning services with people truly in need.  There is rushing to get medical supplies and simple hygiene  necessities, but there just isn't enough.  Of course these are all reflections of the fear building within me throughout the day.

From a distance, I watch old images of myself filled with empathy, kindness, and compassion.  Now the state of confusion, isolation, and uncertainty can at times overwhelm.  My visions narrow limiting my perceptions of what is yet to come.  I await for this heaviness to lift, as though it were a fog, so I all of my senses can experience the beauty of my world, once again.